Friday 19 October 2012

I Had a Dream

Last night had the weirdest dream ever. Lemme get a glass of water first. Lol.

Okay. This is what happened.


My family and I were meth cookers. And on the day we decided to cook it, the police came to our house to arrest us. So it was all action packed and everything, we ran to the garage and got into the car. Which was like a caravan. OMG, it was like Breaking Bad; WILSON THIS IS YOUR FAULT. 

Anyways, we drove like hell and the cars were following us. And there were these bad boys in our car. It was full of them. By bad boys I mean guns, lol. So me and my sister grabbed the biggest ones we could find and started shooting at the cars behind us. Somehow we lost them, and we were driving in this really dark forest. OMG it was creepy. Okay, so we reached this hill and we were halfway up it.

Then we stopped and started cooking meth. BUT. We heard a noise. So we froze. 

We grabbed our guns and hid behind the stove, and then this army of guys ran out of nowhere from the bottom of the hill and charged. They started shooting. Oh and their attire was like farmers or something, even with the straw/cowboy hats thing. 

So we started shooting back and my parents were behind the stove with these massive machine guns firing at them. They started screaming at my sister and I to go into the caravan for cover. So we ran in, but I have no idea where my sister went, maybe to the bathroom lol. I grabbed this long sniper and started shooting from the side window and basically mowed  down the whole gang of men. But then the sirens started and we saw police cars behind these trees. And for some reason, these policecars weren't Australian, they were the American ones in the movies, lol. 

And then my parents couldn't get in quickly and I ran outside which was stupid because I ended up getting shot. My parents then got into the caravan and drove away. Then I woke up.