Friday 26 October 2012

Update: Yr 10 Excursion Luna Park

Luna Park was so fun! We forced each other to go on rides we never been on before, and they made me go through this dark mirror maze, omg so creepy freaaak.

Anyhoo, in order:

1. we went got there about an hour early, so chilled at a park with friends, hehe
2. picture with julia at harbour bridge
3. and again at the face
4. ;o didn't see you there ;)
5. beer battered fish and chips for lunch ;D

P.S. thank you to Julia for a majority of these photos. (:

Michelle x


  1. So much to read...too much to read...LOL XD Homg, I didn't get to go luna park in year 10 cos I was sick :( Looks like a lot of fun :3
