Saturday 18 February 2012

Girls and Weight

If you're talking to a girl about weight, you're walking into a seriously touchy-zone. Girls are generally extremely self-conscious of their own body image and always strive to get their own personal 'perfect body', which is strongly influenced by the media. 

Some girls dream about having a body similar or exactly the same as the models on the runway : 

Sources: Google image. 

Which is seriously unhealthy because most of them that do want that kind of body image, take 'shortcuts' to get there. Such as dieting, or not eating at all, and some over-exercise. Starve themselves, etc. That's where most health issues arise from.

There's an extremely famous picture of a girl looking at the mirror of herself 'thinking she's fat' but she's actually really skinny : 

I personally think we need the media to raise the awareness that girls are beautiful no matter what size they are and they should concentrate on living their life, then trying to achieve the 'perfect body', because truly, there is no such thing as a perfect body.

In the 'olden times', girls who were slightly plump, were considered as 'beautiful and healthy'. Nowadays, when the media has shown models painstakingly thin, but somehow 'trendy' at the same time, and somehow get's all the guys. Truly, I don't think that's true. If you glow within yourself and have a great personality, you'll attract enough people's attention for them to know you are beautiful. 

Love yourself before you can expect anyone else to love you. If you are insecure about your body image, and is constantly trying to achieve impossible lengths to get it for the sake of guys, work on your personality instead. 

If you have think you have the 'ideal body' and do get a guy, and you're personality isn't great, he's not going to stay. (: 

Just remember you're beautiful no matter what 


" Looks may attract a male, but it's the personality that makes him stay. " 

Stay beautiful,
Michelle x

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