Thursday 23 February 2012

Update: Vaccinations?

Today, had badminton training in the morning which was super fun...and hot. Was a bit out of shape since haven't played in ages. Julia ( ) and I were thinking about bringing our own racquets since there's a shortage of the ones provided, and I think I'll bring it next week.

We also had vaccinations dTpa ( Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis ). I've had many tetanus shots before, and I know they are much more painful than other vaccines I've had. But thank god, this was 3 in 1, since I don't want to have all 3 shots in my arms, haha. But it turned out to be alright, which I was glad.

Also had sport today, which was Zumba. Zumba is really fun, just slightly embarrassing. Thing is, the guy out the front who is showing the moves, moves his hips like crazy. I should film his ass moving, but that would be really, inappropriate, haha!

Every male should watch this video, in my opinion. Took the words out of my mouth.

Warning, there is a lot of swearing in it. BUT, love this gal! <3

Anyhoo, I'm doing my Matrix homework now, and have that tomorrow. And also have band rehearsal tomorrow morning.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. HAHA - She is hilarious. Check out the one bout getting bigger boobs. :P

  2. I know right?! <3 And I shall, it's so long. ;P x

  3. "Every male should watch this" *About to click play, then reads the warning* Errr......No thanks...parents are right behind me LOL x.x I'll watch it tomorrow :P And is your arm feeling better? :3

  4. Haha! Make sure you do though. And it's still sore. ): x
