Thursday 2 February 2012

Update: School Has Started

I haven't been updating in a really long while, and I guess my reason is that I haven't been online lately, due to personal issues, mainly related to panic/anxiety attacks. But I'm better now, and have half recovered from it. 

This is just going to be a short update and rant about school and holidays. 

School has started and it's nearly the end of the week, thank God. It's been such a tough week for me, since adjusting to school from being inactive for about a month and a half is sort of a shock for me. Guess I'm sorta sad that school has started again, I keep thinking about where did all that time go. 

But for the first few days, it's been quite a good start, seeing all my amazing classmates was rewarding. Haven't had much homework; only maths, but I'm simply anticipating all that s**tload of work that's going to come at me during the first term. 

I've started flute lessons again, and also Matrix coaching which is tomorrow, and will be starting tennis coaching as well; which I'm excited about because I've been motivated for tennis since watching Djokovic  the Australian Open. I have to admit, I used to have a crush on that player. Haha! 

Been trying to cut down my internet time since it was one of my resolutions, and also been managing my time, by doing all my workload when I get home and then internet at night. Guess, that's going to ruin my sleeping patterns, but that's the only way I won't get distracted. 

I'm going to update online now, and watch Pretty Little Liars since I haven't watched the episode yet, and going to relax. 

That's it for now, I'll do a favourites post soon, ( thanks to Julia [ ] for reminding me ) for January 2012. 

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x