Saturday 4 February 2012

Update: IKEA Makeover?

So today, went to IKEA for lunch and also went to purchase a few things. I didn't get an IKEA makeover, though I wish I could because all their stuff is so rad! <3 Anyways, for lunch, I had meatballs but only took a photo after finishing half the meal - my bad! 

Meatballs with mashed potato, some sort of really good sauce and some Swedish jam which was so good! <3

And added a salad which tasted like crap. Haha!

My sister had a jelly ( not for lunch, for a side, lol ! ) :

Tasted like cordial ;)
Pancakes with Spinach and Cheese filling. 
I'd say their food is quite expensive for something that didn't taste that good, 'cept for the meatballs. Which was so good! Or maybe I was hungry...

I got some magazine filers which came in a set of 2 for $9.99 :

The packaging. (: 

How it's meant to look like.

End result! 
I really like these, they feel like really good quality and worth the price. The material kind of feels like leather, it's really smooth, hard to describe. It's a good feeling though, you know what I mean? ;)

Had a hot dog at IKEA after shopping there which was $1. It's okay, I guess not the best tasting one, but I guess I was hungry. 

Had tennis training and just got back home. Tennis was super fun, but it's 27 degrees Celcius, so bloody hot! So I was really tired, but nevertheless, it was fun! <3 Gotta heart tennis! 

Drinking orange juice right now with ice-cubes in my thermos :

Those floating white things are ice-cubes. ;P 
That's it for now, I'll update soon, hopefully. Need to work on my Chinese school homework now, which started again yesterday, and I think writing Chinese characters is very therapuetic for some reason. Haha! 

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x