Monday 27 February 2012

Update: Mad Scientist

Today, had science in the morning which was really interesting since we did this experiment most classes have already completed. Basically we had this table and we had to dot chemicals and see their reactions mix and see if there's any precipitation. I still don't even know what precipitation is. Well in Chemistry language, HA. I took pictures of it with a white background and one with a black background so you can see the white colours more clearer.

They look so 3-D from this perspective. Well, in my view, haha! 

Sorry about the glare, it was hard to take the picture. 
Also had sport today, which was cycling and Julia ( ) flew off her bike today. Looked so painful and I had no idea what happened, just that when I turned around she was like a starfish on the ground with the bike on her side. Our reactions were so funny now that I think about it, but hope she's okay.

We finished the lap and got back to the place and messed around with these bikes that could have two people riding it. It was so fun driving it, even though Julia thought I was going to kill us both. Haha, my driving skills must be extremely dodgy...

Anyhoo, that's about it for today, shall update soon again.

Take care,
Michelle x