Sunday 26 February 2012

Update: Working Out?

Had tennis this morning which was really fun, and I won a drink by 'beating' the teacher. Haha, of course I didn't really 'defeat' him since wasn't playing 'hard', hehe. But the weather was really humid. After tennis went out for lunch and dropped off my sister who was going to her friend's birthday party. Apparently, it was quite fun; wish I was invited to parties these days.

Anyhoo, went to grab some pens from Typo since I ran out of some already. They are good and inky!

It looks black but it's actually navy. (: 

And got another pair of navy work out shorts from Ally. It's such a cute store, and it's really affordable!

Been thinking about sports and exercising a lot lately. Not to lose weight or fat, but just to keep fit. And I'm really really enjoying sport now. Cycling is really fun at school, tennis is extremely fun, badminton is competitive but really enjoyable, and just jogging or running is enjoyable. Even in hot weather. Haha!

Yeah, that's basically it for now.

I'll update soon, and a tag to be coming soon. (:

Michelle x


  1. The designs on the pens are cute! :] x

  2. Thank you, they were the only ones on the shelf that were cute. (: x
