Monday 27 August 2012

Favourites: August 2012

Earthquake - Labyrinth ft. Tinie Tempah


Some Nights - Fun.
Such a good song, really liking Fun's songs lately. (:


Still reading the good ole 1Q84 by Murakami Haruki.

Ted, because that's like the only one I've watched this month. :P


Cheek and lip stain which you can see in this post:

Super awesome, can't live with that stuff anymore. (:

Michelle x

Sunday 26 August 2012

Update: The Body Shop Haul.

Yes it's me again. 

Today, after tennis training, walked to Westfield and grabbed takeaway lunch. It was goooood~ 

Chicken with caesar salad
Anyhoo, mum had to go to city and my sister had to ask her to get some stuff for her from the Body Shop, and since my sister and I couldn't go (homework -grr), wrote a list of what we wanted to buy. So I ended up stocking up on a lotta stuff, hehe. 

L-R: tea tree blotting sheets, born lippy strawberry stick lipbalm, pink grapefruit body butter
The Body Shop Tea Tree Blotting Sheets
Can't live without these, and just ran out of them so got THREE, hehe. 

The Body Shop Born Lippy Strawberry Stick Lipbalm
I own the other one, in the pot form, and didn't know they had come out with these. I've already opened it, and it smells exactly like the one I have and it's super duper good, it's even better than the pot one. GRAB THIS.

The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Body Butter
I had one that was in the scent Moringa, and to be honest, it's sorta strong and was a bit too moisturising. Got one for normal skin and this one is so so good, smells divine.

Anyhoo, also got some deodorants from Coles, can't be bothered to take photos of those because they're not special, thanks for reading!

Michelle x

Saturday 25 August 2012

Cloud Zero.

Where was the last place you went to hang out? Do you hang out there often? If not, where do you usually go?
- Hmmm…haven’t hung out in a long long timee……
When did you last speak to your best friend of the opposite sex? What did you talk about?
- To be honest, don’t have one.
Would you rather be called ‘beautiful’ or ‘sexy’? Why?
- Beautiful, it feels more loving, hahahahaha, no idea…
Do you think someone is attracted to you?
- Hmm, not sureeee
When was the last time you used public transport?
- For school, so on Friday.
Are there any flirty messages in your inbox?
- Which inbox?
What age do you think is the right age to lose your virginity? Do you think people are losing it too soon these days? If so, why do you think people feel the need to lose it at a very young age?
- Everyone has their own preferences, but probably not under 16. Yeah I guess, girls are ‘maturing’ faster than before. ;) I don’t know, pleasure? HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Do you make an effort to be nice to people you dislike? Would you hang around with someone you disliked, if your other friends liked them?
- No, and maybe, if they were tolerable, hehe.
What’s the closest thing to you that’s green?
- My school laptop..
How exactly are you feeling at this moment? Why do you feel this way?
- Bored and slightly stressed, bored because I have nothing to do, but stressed because I know I’m supposed to do my orbituary which is due tomorrow, but instead I’m doing this.
So, tell me a bit about your best friend of the opposite sex. Are you strictly just friends, or is there something more between you?
- .
When was the last time you felt severe physical pain? What was the reason for your pain?
- A week ago, had a really painful neck, no idea because it’s gone now.
In your opinion, what makes someone attractive? Be as general or as specific as you like.
- Nice hair and style, nice eyes, seems pretty confident but not arrogant and smiles/laughs a lot. (:
When things in life start going wrong, are you the kind of person who tends to fall apart, or do you try to stay strong and hold it together?
- Try to keep it together.
Someone tells you that you’re beautiful/good-looking. Do you agree with them?
- No I wouldn’t but I’ll be nice and say thank you.
If I came round to your house to have dinner, what would you make for me?
- A sandwich, HAHAHAH that sounds so dirty.
How did you meet the last person you added as a friend on Facebook?
- Julian; don’t even know him.
What is your relationship with your mother like? Is it a close relationship, or do you distance yourselves from each other? Why do you think your relationship is the way it is?
- Love my mum, and not as close as I would like it to be because she’s usually away from home for a long time and it’s hard to tell her certain things without taking it seriously, hehe.
Can you remember the very first conversation you had with the last person you texted?
- Julia; yep definitely! We were sitting at camp on green grassy hill with another friend and we were introduced together, hehe. I can even remember what we were wearing, so embarrassing, gosh. :P
Do you keep up to date with the charts? Are there any songs that are kind of old now, that you still like to listen to?
- No, but I listen to the radio at least 4 times a week, so kinda hear new songs now and then. And plenty.
Who or what has been on your mind the most today?
At what age do you think you’ll be ready to think about having children?
- Maybe before 30.
The last time you went for a night out, who did you go with?
- Haven’t been on a ‘night out’ for an eternity.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t use Facebook, or dislikes it? Do you like or dislike it?
- A lot, and I’m neutral. It’s so distracting…
Have you ever mistaken a complete stranger for someone you knew?
- Yep.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
- Chinese bun.
Have you ever made a promise to someone that you didn’t keep?
- Plenty.
Are you ever afraid to show how you feel?
- Yep.
Have you ever been blamed or got into trouble for something that wasn’t your fault?
Have you ever wondered what death might be like, and what might happen afterwards? It’s depressing to think about I know, but do you have an opinion about it?
- Mhmm, I believe people reincarnate, hehe.
Tell me something you like about your life, and something you dislike about it.
- I like I have close people I can trust and that I’m still young and I dislike how I hardly have a social life. ;P
Choose 10 people at random.
  1. Ada
  2. Julia
  3. Eileen
  4. Jennifer
  5. Daniel
  6. Wilson
  7. Mishon
  8. Sarah
  9. Catherine
  10. Bevan
Do you think 1 would ever help you out if you were in trouble?
- Ada; SHE’S AN EVIL BRAT. Hehe, love you sis.
Would you swap places with 2 for a week?
- Julia; Sure.
What would you say if 3 asked you out?
- Eileen; I’m straight, sorry.
Who is taller, you or 4?
- Jennifer; think I am.
Do you think 5 has ever lied to you?
- Daniel; no. 
Do you think 6 will ever get married?
- Wilson; sure.
If you had to cook a meal for 7, what would you make?
- Mishon; asian food, hehe.
Do you think 8 will ever get married?
- Sarah; sure.
If 9 turned up at your door now, what would you do/say? Would you let him/her in?
- Catherine; awesome, you here for Ada? And of course.
When is 10’s birthday?
- Bevan; man I don’t even know.
Have you ever felt jealous of 1?
- Ada; so young and innocent.
If 2 decided never to speak to you again, would you care?
- Julia; hell yeah, don’t do that gurl.
What colour is 3’s hair?
- Eileen; black with dyed pieces of brown.
Do you know what colour 4’s eyes are?
- Jennifer; black-brown.
When was the last time you talked to 5? What did you talk to him/her about?
- Daniel; yesterday, favourite foods.
Who has kissed the most people, you or 6?
- Wilson; don’t know how many he kissed, and I’ve never kissed anyone, so has to be him I guess. Unless he’s never kissed anyone then we’re equal.
What is the age difference between you and 7? Who is older?
- Mishon; about a year aand I’m older.
Describe 8 - what does he/she look like?
- Sarah; asian, black hair, average height, yeah.
Is 9’s house within walking distance?
- Catherine; no way.
What if you found out that 10 had sex with the person you love/like?
- Bevan; Uhhhh….shocked that they’re gay. Probably ask them.
Do you like your teeth?
- Having braces at the moment, so hopefully when they’re off, I can say yes to this question. ;D
Have you ever been to the cinema to watch a film, and ended up walking out because you hated it?
- Nope, that’d be a waste of money.
How about the last person you messaged on Facebook, are they single?
- Julia; probably.
Is it easy for people to tell when you’re upset, or are you good at hiding it?
- I think it’s easy to hide it.
Have you ever thought about joining a dating site?
- When I’m older and REALLY can’t find someone.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how you would you rate your own appearance (going on how you look right now)?
- Look awful right now, so 5.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you right now?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this survey?
- 0.

Michelle's Style | Favourite Accessories

I've been really liking these accessories lately! And sorry I haven't been posting in these 'series' lately, need to find more new stuff to wear. ;D

Anyhoo, been wearing a lot of badges, especially on my Varsity jacket or just when I find the outfit is super boring/no colour. These ones are my favourite ones so far. But the one I like the best has to be the 'Trashy' one; comeon it's unique. Plus it's in the font of the cocacola logo. ;D

Also been loving the new bracelet I got from eBay. Been wearing it every chance I get. It just so nice, and gives 'edge' to every outfit. (: Since it's still chilly, I would wear a long sleeve or jacket, roll up the sleeves and chuck it on. (:

The last item is that ring. I got it in this really small boutique in China as kind of an impulse buy at the counter. Didn't even try it on, haha! But it kinda fits, and I don't know, just really like it. Surprisingly, I only have like 2 rings, need to invest in some more. (:

Anyways, I don't even know why I posted this, hehehehe. Sorry for the sudden attack of posts, had a massive brainstorm of ideas yesterday, and wanted to blog about them asap. And I should type them up and then 'release' them slower so my ideas don't run out, but honestly can't be bothered. :D

Michelle ♥

5 Beauty Essentials For School

Thought I'd do a different post today, going to talk about cosmetics. The products mentioned in this aren't necessarily what I use everyday for school, but what I would use for school when I want to wear make up to school. (:

L-R, clockwise: tonymoly water jelly tint, maybelline dream matte powder, garnier bb cream, maxfactor masterpiece cream eyeshadow in pearl beige, rimmel extra wow lash mascara
1. Lip stains or Tints: Tony Moly Water Jelly Tint 
Multi-use products really help shorten your time when getting ready, because everyone values sleep, hehe. Just make sure you wash your fingers after using it because you don't want to look like you murdered someone. So you can use this on both lips and cheeks and you can reapply during the day, plus it looks super natural. The one I have here is from a Korean brand and was a cheap one that I found in a cute boutique. It goes on smoothly and apparently has the same shade as the Benefit LipTint as well and it smells amazing. Try it out if you can find it!

2. Powder: Maybelline Dream Matte Powder
This is just to set everything in place since it will be a long day at school, so it's important to make sure your hard work is going to last. If you have dry skin, I guess you can skip this step. Opt for a sheer powder so it looks super natural. The powder I have is really good! Loads of positive reviews online, so try it out!

3. BB cream: Garnier BB Cream
Instead of foundation, I suggest something like this or tinted moisturiser so it lets your skin breathe more. If you need more coverage invest in a concealer because you don't want to cake up. BB cream is all the craze now since they hydrate, prime and give coverage as well. The one I have now is alright, it's probably nicer for people with drier skin types. (:

4. Cream eyeshadows: Maxfactor Masterpiece Cream Eyeshadow
Well, I always skip this step but using a cream shadow will shorten your time in getting ready as well since it's a multipurpose product. I use this as a highlighter in the inner tearducts, and also to highlight the high points of my face; bridge of your nose, cheekbones and cupids bow. Really makes a difference! If you don't want to use cream, maybe go for a champayne powder eyeshadow. They both work well. The one I have here is really shimmery, I usually use powder but this is waterproof and super long lasting. (:

5. Mascara: Rimmel Extra WOW Lash Mascara
One of my staples. Really opens your eyes. If you have short lashes like me, I suggest using an eyelash curler beforehand. It also helps if you use a waterproof formula, but I honestly find that super hard to remove, but the results are super nice. The one I'm using now is alright, smudges on my outer corners so just waiting to finish this one up before purchasing another. I recommend Maybelline mascaras because they're cheaper and better. (:

I hope this helped people! (: It felt nice to blog about more girly subjects I suppose, so maybe I'll post more of these! (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle ♥

Friday 24 August 2012

Update: Unhealthy Lunch Feast & Purchased Items


Had chinese school today, and teacher couldn't make it because her car broke down so didn't have a teacher, woohoo. So didn't do any work whatsoever, and I just sat outside with classmates and talked. Told them lotsa stories, hehehehe. They're all younger than me so it was nice to hear really childish things :3.

Anyhoo, was starving at lunch, no idea what brought that on, but got a lotta stuff. Bought sushi and ricepaper rolls then also had some cheesecake and mocha. To be honest, the mocha was super bitter so might get the iced one next time...if there's a next time. ;) 

Hehehehehe, such a fulfilling lunch. ♥ Regrets? None. MUAHAHAHAH. I'm so guilty. T.T
Anyhoo, bought couple of things that I needed, facial wipes and this gel spot thing. PRICELINE OPENED AGAIN, SO GLAD. 

L-R: simple cleansing facial wipes ; neutrogena 2-in-1 fight & fade spot gel
Will be having more posts up soon, just took a lotta photos for them, since the lighting is soooooo nice as seen in the above photo. Another reason why I love summer - amazing lighting for photos. ♥

Shall speak soon; have tutoring now, will blog it soon.

Michelle ♥

Two in a Day.

Hi :) how are you today?
- I’m good, had a pretty nice day. (:
The last time you were disappointed, what was the reason?
- When I did my commerce essay, and then realised I left some stuff out...
Has anyone let you down recently? Do you feel as though you’ve let someone down?
- Not that I can think of.
Would you talk about your personal life with a stranger?
- I guess, I wouldn’t mind if they were friendly and didn’t look dodgy. ;P
Has a member of the opposite sex ever caused trouble between you and a friend? What happened?
- Hmm….not sure…
Name someone you know that has freckles.
- Have no idea!
Name someone you know that has brown eyes.
- Julia, or my dad.
Name someone you know that wears glasses.
- My sister.
Have you travelled out of your home town recently?
- Recently as this year, yep.
Do you still watch cartoons? Which?
- I’ll watch it if I turn on the TV and it’s on, and seems decent.
Do you like or dislike Valentines Day? Explain.
- I like it even though I’m single. I don’t know, the vibe and the hope of maybe some secret admirer might come along seems exciting. I’m such a dreamer.
If you went to purchase alcohol, how likely is it that you would be questioned, or asked for I.D.?
- No idea and I wouldn’t since I’m underage.
Someone tells you that you look five years older than your actual age. Are you offended?
- I think I have, not really, guess I’ve matured. ;)
Someone else tells you that you look five years younger … how do you feel about that?
- Wait, I look 10 years old ?
Have you met the ex partner of the last person you kissed?
- Never been kissed.
Are you currently attracted to more than one person?
- Haven’t liked someone in a long long time.
How does it make you feel when the topic of sex comes up in a conversation? Does it make you feel awkward or uncomfortable? Or are you okay with it?
- Depends who I’m with, but it’s generally sorta awkward, depends on how people present the topic.
If you saw an attractive stranger sitting by themselves, would you offer to buy them a drink?
- Wait is this alcoholic?
Whose was the last toilet you sat on, other than your own?
- Matrix education’s.
When was the last time you used a public toilet? Do you dislike using public toilets?
- Would the school one’s count as public? And no, as long as it looks sanitary.
If you found out you were pregnant, who would be the first person you would tell?
- My best friend or my sister.
Have you ever had a friend or significant other that your parents didn’t like? What happened? Did you have to stop seeing them?
- Yep, plenty. They just didn’t like them, but there wasn’t much they could do. Soon, my parents kinda got along with it. ;P
Maybe you’ll find it hard to explain, but think about the last person you fell in love with. What exactly do you think it was that made you fall in love with them? Or, if you haven’t actually been in love yet, why do you think that is?
- I don’t think I’ve been in love, and I think it’s because I’m still young…and fresh. ;)
Are you currently hiding something from your parents?
- Hmm...might be, but I’m not sure..
Has the last person you kissed ever made you cry?
- I have never been kissed.
Do you think the last person you hugged has feelings for you?
- Can’t remember who I last hugged.
Are you attracted to the last person you texted?
- Kinda.
List the names of the last 10 people you talked to.
  1. Mum
  2. Dad
  3. Sister
  4. Wilson
  5. Mishon
  6. Julia
  7. Sarah
  8. Daniel
  9. Eileen
  10. Nick (teacher)
Could you tell me one fact about each person? See if you can make it something amusing or interesting :P
  1. Mum – she can fall asleep anywhere!
  2. Dad – can sew.
  3. Sister – addicted to anime.
  4. Wilson – has the scariest serves ever (tennis).
  5. Mishon – abnormally smart.
  6. Julia – has a VERY strange doll on her school bag.  
  7. Sarah – always has a lot of internet tabs open during class, wonder what’s on them.
  8. Daniel – always bored.
  9. Eileen – has short hair.
  10. Nick – has the most awesome accents ever.
Do you think the last person you kissed loves you?
- Haven’t kissed anyone before.
Is there a certain song that will always get you on the dancefloor?
- Hm…don’t think so.
What does the 8th text message in your inbox say?
- Can’t be bothered to check.
Have you ever hugged someone who had a body odour problem?
- Probably.
Would you ever have your significant other’s name tattooed on you?
- Never been in a relationship.
Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
- Never kissed anyone before.
Which parent do you look the most like?
- My dad apparently.
Have you ever been told that you were beautiful/good-looking, by a complete stranger?
- Don’t think so.
What is a word that you often spell wrong, or forget how to spell?
- Can’t think so one now.
What did you do last Saturday?
- Chinese lessons, and shopping.
What personality traits do you find unattractive? Why? 
- Arrogance - that’s different to confident. I don’t know, it just pisses me off.
Do you go to the cinema to watch films, or do you prefer to just wait until they come out on DVD?
- Cinema.
Do you know your parents’ starsigns?
- My mum is Pisces and dad is scorpio.
Have you ever had a significant other who was possessive? And if you have, how did you deal with it?
- Never been in a relationship.
Have you ever felt like your parents put pressure on you to live up to certain expectations (e.g. school, career)?. How much do they influence the choices you make?
- Of course. But they understand so they didn’t apply THAT much, they encouraged me to do my best, and hopefully achieve what they want me to as well. And I always consult them first when making certain decisions. (:
What is something about childhood that you miss?
- The lack of worry and responsibility and big decisions.
Were you someone’s first kiss?
- Never kissed before.
Have you ever kissed someone who’s name started with a letter G, E, or B?
- Never kissed.
Name a song that makes you cry, or moves you emotionally, and explain why.
- Hmm can’t think of any now. But I think it’s a Chinese song that I have emotionally tied to my parents and sister.
Is there something you want, that you can’t have?
- Money and the ability to buy things I want.
Is anyone pissed off with you atm?
- Hope not.
Is there something you currently want to do, but can’t?
- Sleep.
If you still live with your parents, are you looking forward to moving out and having your own independence? Or, if you don’t live with them anymore, do you ever wish that you still did?
- I guess, but I don’t really want to experience the loneliness so probably get a roommate as well. ;P
Are there any ways in which you’d admit to being maybe a little bit selfish?
- Slightly.
Give me a fact about the last person you held hands with.
- I haven’t held hands with anyone in a long time…
If you’re single, what problems did you encounter in your last relationship? Were these problems the reason for the relatioship ending? If you’re in a relationship, have you encountered any problems in that relationship? If so, how have you dealt with them?
- Never been in a relationship.
Do you ever have days where you feel really upset or cry, and you don’t even know why?
- Yep.
Can you think of 5 moments from the past 7 days that made you smile? Tell me about them.
  1. It being suddenly summerly warm.
  2. Getting my week of tests done.
  3. When someone asked me to their formal.
  4. Cleaning my stuff with methylated spirits.
  5. My new shirt.
Is there someone who makes your heart race? Will you see/talk to that person today?
- Hm, don’t know.

Cos You Said So.

Do you think someone is missing you atm?
- Hmmm…don’t think so. (:

Can you think of one reason why some people might not like you?
- I’m kinda shy, so when people approach me, it looks like I’m trying to run for it, HAHAHAHA. Or I look constipated. :P

So we’re over halfway through 2012. How has it been for you so far? Has anything happened in the past 8 months that you think you will always remember?
- It's been pretty good, last year of laid-back school before studying and then leaving school. ): Time is going by too quickly! There's too many memories that are going to be carried away with me, especially since I’m still in school and still young. (:

Can you describe what was going through your mind during your last kiss?
- Have never kissed, or been kissed. ;P

Are you talking to anyone while filling this in? What are you talking about?
- Yep, about cycling….

If you’re in a relationship, are you happy? And if you’re single, are you looking for someone?
- Never been in a relationship.

Have you ever been so drunk that you could barely stand?
- Never been drunk.

Was your last hug from someone of the opposite sex?
- I think it might have been my mum so no.

Will you be sharing your bed with someone else tonight?
- Nope, won’t anytime soon either. ;P

Is there anything wrong with you right now?
- My stomach itches….really strange.
Have you eaten chocolate today?
- OMG. I was going to eat some TimTams after dinner, but I resisted. So proud of myself, hehe.

Think back to last night … did you go to sleep before midnight?
- Always have.

The last time you sent a text to someone, did you add a kiss at the end?
- Don’t think so, don’t text much. :P

What’s the nicest thing the person you love/like has ever said to you?
- Don’t think I like anyone at the moment, can’t say.

Where did you meet the person you love/like?
- What I said^.

Have you had any recent calls or texts from any unknown numbers? Did you answer them?
- Nope.

OK … let’s just say I’m going to buy you a present … but I don’t know what to get :/ Would you mind if I just bought you a box of chocolates?
- Yeah sure, as long as it’s nuts free. Omg, that sounds so dirty.

Or, if you don’t like chocolates at all, is there something else you’d prefer?
- Well…I wouldn’t mind something else, BUT I can’t think of that ‘something’ else now. :P

Has anyone ever stolen food from you?
- Not stolen, probably asked me. ;P So no.

What is something that people make fun of you for?
- Personall…

Which supermarket do you like to shop at?
- Supermarket? I don’t have a preference.

Do you think you might have any obsessive compulsive tendencies?
- Yep. I keep cleaning my stuff. Must keep away from bacteria, and I keep washing my hands at home; gosh sound like Lady Macbeth, and NO, I didn’t murder anyone.

Who was the last person to text you? Do you think this person cares for you?
- Daniel, maybe.

Did you have a conversation last night that made you smile?
- Oh god, didn’t speak to anyone last night. Besides my family, and we always have strange talks over dinner.

Has anyone paid you a compliment at all today?
- Yep. It was really strange. Classmate leant over me and said I had really nice long eyelashes. Told her I never noticed.
^FYI, before I did this ‘tag’ I had a feeling there was a question like that in this. I’m scared.

Have you ever been told that your boyfriend/girlfriend wasn’t good enough for you?
- Never been in a relationship.

Do you think it’s okay to flirt with someone that’s already taken, as long as it goes no further?
- Well, if the person’s partner is okay with it, WHICH he/she is probably not, then no. But then I guess flirting without touching and stuff is okay…

Have you ever been on the phone for more than an hour straight?
- Might have, couple times, but was years ago.

What’s your least favourite part of your body?
- Hm…my calves..

Are you a spender or a saver?
- Spender. I know horrible, but trying to save. (:

Are you currently wearing anything pink?
- Nope.

If someone close to you is upset, does that make you feel upset too?
- Yeah.

Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do?
- Not really.

Are you wearing any label brands of clothing?
- I’m wearing asian PJs.

Do you think it’s really possible to love just one person until the day you die?
- If it’s strong. I’m a dreamer, I like to think these fairytales exist because the world is too depressing.

Someone attractive is staring at you. What do you do?
- Look away, hehe.

How long can you stay single after a relationship break-up, before you feel ready to be with someone else?
- Well, I guess however close I was with the person and how much space I need. If it was a fling, then I guess not long, but if it was for say about a half to 2 years, I’ll probably take some time.

Do you miss someone atm? Does that person know that you miss them?
- Miss my dad, because he left for soccer or something. And highly doubt it, probably not even thinking about home. ;P

Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike?
- 2. But I’m using willing to be friends’ with them.

Do you think someone else will also want to fill in this survey?
- Sure, whatever floats your boat. ;)