Friday 24 August 2012

Update: Unhealthy Lunch Feast & Purchased Items


Had chinese school today, and teacher couldn't make it because her car broke down so didn't have a teacher, woohoo. So didn't do any work whatsoever, and I just sat outside with classmates and talked. Told them lotsa stories, hehehehe. They're all younger than me so it was nice to hear really childish things :3.

Anyhoo, was starving at lunch, no idea what brought that on, but got a lotta stuff. Bought sushi and ricepaper rolls then also had some cheesecake and mocha. To be honest, the mocha was super bitter so might get the iced one next time...if there's a next time. ;) 

Hehehehehe, such a fulfilling lunch. ♥ Regrets? None. MUAHAHAHAH. I'm so guilty. T.T
Anyhoo, bought couple of things that I needed, facial wipes and this gel spot thing. PRICELINE OPENED AGAIN, SO GLAD. 

L-R: simple cleansing facial wipes ; neutrogena 2-in-1 fight & fade spot gel
Will be having more posts up soon, just took a lotta photos for them, since the lighting is soooooo nice as seen in the above photo. Another reason why I love summer - amazing lighting for photos. ♥

Shall speak soon; have tutoring now, will blog it soon.

Michelle ♥

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