Saturday 25 August 2012

Cloud Zero.

Where was the last place you went to hang out? Do you hang out there often? If not, where do you usually go?
- Hmmm…haven’t hung out in a long long timee……
When did you last speak to your best friend of the opposite sex? What did you talk about?
- To be honest, don’t have one.
Would you rather be called ‘beautiful’ or ‘sexy’? Why?
- Beautiful, it feels more loving, hahahahaha, no idea…
Do you think someone is attracted to you?
- Hmm, not sureeee
When was the last time you used public transport?
- For school, so on Friday.
Are there any flirty messages in your inbox?
- Which inbox?
What age do you think is the right age to lose your virginity? Do you think people are losing it too soon these days? If so, why do you think people feel the need to lose it at a very young age?
- Everyone has their own preferences, but probably not under 16. Yeah I guess, girls are ‘maturing’ faster than before. ;) I don’t know, pleasure? HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Do you make an effort to be nice to people you dislike? Would you hang around with someone you disliked, if your other friends liked them?
- No, and maybe, if they were tolerable, hehe.
What’s the closest thing to you that’s green?
- My school laptop..
How exactly are you feeling at this moment? Why do you feel this way?
- Bored and slightly stressed, bored because I have nothing to do, but stressed because I know I’m supposed to do my orbituary which is due tomorrow, but instead I’m doing this.
So, tell me a bit about your best friend of the opposite sex. Are you strictly just friends, or is there something more between you?
- .
When was the last time you felt severe physical pain? What was the reason for your pain?
- A week ago, had a really painful neck, no idea because it’s gone now.
In your opinion, what makes someone attractive? Be as general or as specific as you like.
- Nice hair and style, nice eyes, seems pretty confident but not arrogant and smiles/laughs a lot. (:
When things in life start going wrong, are you the kind of person who tends to fall apart, or do you try to stay strong and hold it together?
- Try to keep it together.
Someone tells you that you’re beautiful/good-looking. Do you agree with them?
- No I wouldn’t but I’ll be nice and say thank you.
If I came round to your house to have dinner, what would you make for me?
- A sandwich, HAHAHAH that sounds so dirty.
How did you meet the last person you added as a friend on Facebook?
- Julian; don’t even know him.
What is your relationship with your mother like? Is it a close relationship, or do you distance yourselves from each other? Why do you think your relationship is the way it is?
- Love my mum, and not as close as I would like it to be because she’s usually away from home for a long time and it’s hard to tell her certain things without taking it seriously, hehe.
Can you remember the very first conversation you had with the last person you texted?
- Julia; yep definitely! We were sitting at camp on green grassy hill with another friend and we were introduced together, hehe. I can even remember what we were wearing, so embarrassing, gosh. :P
Do you keep up to date with the charts? Are there any songs that are kind of old now, that you still like to listen to?
- No, but I listen to the radio at least 4 times a week, so kinda hear new songs now and then. And plenty.
Who or what has been on your mind the most today?
At what age do you think you’ll be ready to think about having children?
- Maybe before 30.
The last time you went for a night out, who did you go with?
- Haven’t been on a ‘night out’ for an eternity.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t use Facebook, or dislikes it? Do you like or dislike it?
- A lot, and I’m neutral. It’s so distracting…
Have you ever mistaken a complete stranger for someone you knew?
- Yep.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
- Chinese bun.
Have you ever made a promise to someone that you didn’t keep?
- Plenty.
Are you ever afraid to show how you feel?
- Yep.
Have you ever been blamed or got into trouble for something that wasn’t your fault?
Have you ever wondered what death might be like, and what might happen afterwards? It’s depressing to think about I know, but do you have an opinion about it?
- Mhmm, I believe people reincarnate, hehe.
Tell me something you like about your life, and something you dislike about it.
- I like I have close people I can trust and that I’m still young and I dislike how I hardly have a social life. ;P
Choose 10 people at random.
  1. Ada
  2. Julia
  3. Eileen
  4. Jennifer
  5. Daniel
  6. Wilson
  7. Mishon
  8. Sarah
  9. Catherine
  10. Bevan
Do you think 1 would ever help you out if you were in trouble?
- Ada; SHE’S AN EVIL BRAT. Hehe, love you sis.
Would you swap places with 2 for a week?
- Julia; Sure.
What would you say if 3 asked you out?
- Eileen; I’m straight, sorry.
Who is taller, you or 4?
- Jennifer; think I am.
Do you think 5 has ever lied to you?
- Daniel; no. 
Do you think 6 will ever get married?
- Wilson; sure.
If you had to cook a meal for 7, what would you make?
- Mishon; asian food, hehe.
Do you think 8 will ever get married?
- Sarah; sure.
If 9 turned up at your door now, what would you do/say? Would you let him/her in?
- Catherine; awesome, you here for Ada? And of course.
When is 10’s birthday?
- Bevan; man I don’t even know.
Have you ever felt jealous of 1?
- Ada; so young and innocent.
If 2 decided never to speak to you again, would you care?
- Julia; hell yeah, don’t do that gurl.
What colour is 3’s hair?
- Eileen; black with dyed pieces of brown.
Do you know what colour 4’s eyes are?
- Jennifer; black-brown.
When was the last time you talked to 5? What did you talk to him/her about?
- Daniel; yesterday, favourite foods.
Who has kissed the most people, you or 6?
- Wilson; don’t know how many he kissed, and I’ve never kissed anyone, so has to be him I guess. Unless he’s never kissed anyone then we’re equal.
What is the age difference between you and 7? Who is older?
- Mishon; about a year aand I’m older.
Describe 8 - what does he/she look like?
- Sarah; asian, black hair, average height, yeah.
Is 9’s house within walking distance?
- Catherine; no way.
What if you found out that 10 had sex with the person you love/like?
- Bevan; Uhhhh….shocked that they’re gay. Probably ask them.
Do you like your teeth?
- Having braces at the moment, so hopefully when they’re off, I can say yes to this question. ;D
Have you ever been to the cinema to watch a film, and ended up walking out because you hated it?
- Nope, that’d be a waste of money.
How about the last person you messaged on Facebook, are they single?
- Julia; probably.
Is it easy for people to tell when you’re upset, or are you good at hiding it?
- I think it’s easy to hide it.
Have you ever thought about joining a dating site?
- When I’m older and REALLY can’t find someone.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how you would you rate your own appearance (going on how you look right now)?
- Look awful right now, so 5.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you right now?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this survey?
- 0.


  1. omg that hill meeting was so embarrasssing :p and dont worry, wouldnt dare do that cos ive learnt u have very powerful muscles (e.g. squeezing out my poor poor cream) x
