Saturday 25 August 2012

Michelle's Style | Favourite Accessories

I've been really liking these accessories lately! And sorry I haven't been posting in these 'series' lately, need to find more new stuff to wear. ;D

Anyhoo, been wearing a lot of badges, especially on my Varsity jacket or just when I find the outfit is super boring/no colour. These ones are my favourite ones so far. But the one I like the best has to be the 'Trashy' one; comeon it's unique. Plus it's in the font of the cocacola logo. ;D

Also been loving the new bracelet I got from eBay. Been wearing it every chance I get. It just so nice, and gives 'edge' to every outfit. (: Since it's still chilly, I would wear a long sleeve or jacket, roll up the sleeves and chuck it on. (:

The last item is that ring. I got it in this really small boutique in China as kind of an impulse buy at the counter. Didn't even try it on, haha! But it kinda fits, and I don't know, just really like it. Surprisingly, I only have like 2 rings, need to invest in some more. (:

Anyways, I don't even know why I posted this, hehehehe. Sorry for the sudden attack of posts, had a massive brainstorm of ideas yesterday, and wanted to blog about them asap. And I should type them up and then 'release' them slower so my ideas don't run out, but honestly can't be bothered. :D

Michelle ♥