Monday 20 August 2012

Check me out.

Who was the last person to tag you in a Facebook status?
- Not sure.
How long have you known the last person you texted?
- Julia; for quite a long time – 3-4 years?
What’s the age difference between yourself and the last person you kissed?
- Never kissed anyone before. ;)
Have you ever embarrassed yourself and ended up looking silly in front of someone you liked?
- So many timesssss.
If you get a text message now, who is it most likely to be from?
- Friend, Daniel otherwise Julia.
Have you ever been so depressed that you considered suicide?
- Holy, YES. So many times. Either that, or move out.
How many tracks were on the last CD you listened to?
- No idea when I even last played a CD. But only CD I own is a Taylor Swift CD, so 25 tracks. (:
What does your favourite shirt look like?
- Hmmm…my favourite T-shirts come and go, and this time’s one is just a denim shirt. (:
What are your views on same sex couples who want to adopt children?
- Fine by me. As long as they treat their children right. (:
Are there any bands or singers you like, that you think most people haven’t heard of? Would you like to tell us about them?
- I wish I could say yes. ;P
How long are you prepared to wait to be with someone you want, before you give up on them?
- Hm…I wouldn’t waste a chunk of my life waiting for someone, but if I’m definite, then maybe half a year maximum.
Which of the seven deadly sins do you think you’re most guilty of - vanity, lust, greed, sloth, gluttony, anger or envy?
- Between lust and sloth. (:
How long does it usually take you to finish reading a book? Have you ever been so hooked on a book that you read it all one sitting?
- I used to finish books like after 2 days. Now I take at least a month or three. And yep, definitely.
Which do you prefer - the Harry Potter books or the Harry Potter films?
- Hmmmmm….too hard to choose. D:
Have you ever put something in a ‘safe place’ so you didn’t lose it, and forgotten where the ‘safe place’ was?
-HAHAHAH, yep! And in primary, my friends and I would hide ‘special items’ in dirt and then the next day we can’t find them ever. :P
When it rains, do you prefer to use an umbrella, or a hood?
Go through the contacts list in your phone and list the first 20 names.
-I don’t think I have 20 contacts on my phone so I’ll name 20 from Facebook instead. (:

  1. Jennifer
  1. Jerry
  1. Richard
  1. Ashly
  1. Julia
  1. Hussein
  1. Jeff
  1. Aditya
  1. Wilson
  1. Eileen
  1. Oliver
  1. Jenny
  1. Sarah
  1. Jess
  1. Bob
  1. Amanda
  1. Daniel
  1. Karen
  1. Melissa
  1. Queenie

Would you mind if you got stuck in a lift with 1?
- Jen; Nope definitely not!
Do you think 2 cares about you?
- Jerry; Maybe.
Have you ever been to the toilet at 3’s house?
- Richard; Been to his house, not his bathroom.
What if 4 decided never to speak to you again?
- Ashly; :O WHAT? SHOCK.  
Have you ever told a lie to 5?
- Julia; Oooooo, maybe.
Who is more intelligent - you or 6?
- Hussein; Hm, not too sure since don’t know him that well.
What’s 7’s middle name?
- Jeff; I’ve no idea.
What’s 8’s favourite colour?
- Aditya, no idea.
Do you think 9 has ever broken anyone’s heart?
- Wilson; can’t imagine.
How many children do you think 10 will have?
- Eileen; heck I don’t know, maybe one?
Is 11 a good friend?
- Oliver, yep! Awesome friend. (:
Have you ever had a dream about 12?
- Jenny; nope.
What’s 13’s favourite drink?
- Sarah; not sure.
How long have you known 14?
- Jess; we go way back, so around 4 to 5 years.  
Have you ever seen 15 naked?
- Bob; WHAT? Yeeeaa, NO. Julia I’ve never seen Bob naked be assured. (:
What’s your earliest memory of 16?
- Amanda; haven’t met her in person. :O
Do you live close to 17?
- Daniel; not sure where he lives, but the place where I think he lives isn’t that close.
Is 18 good-looking?
- Karen, yep.
Is 19 a nice person?
- Melissa, defs.
Is there anything you dislike about 20?
- Queenie, not going to say here. (:
Have you ever liked someone so much that it made you feel like you were going crazy?
- Hmm…maybe not to that extent.
Is there anyone from your past that you’ve lost contact with? Do you wish they were still part of your life?
- Yep, from old school. Not necessarily.
Have you ever liked someone who wasn’t good for you?
- Not sure.
If your phone rings right now, who is it most likely to be?
How do you like your tea/coffee?
- Don’t really have preferences. (:
What do you think your parents would say if they caught you watching porn?
- They won’t because I don’t watch porn. :P
If someone were to ask you out, but you weren’t interested, what would you say? Would you be blunt about it, or try to let them down gently?
- Well, I just say it as nicely as possible.
Is there anything you want or need atm, or are you okay?
- Think I’m good. (:
Do you ever feel like your teachers in school put too much pressure on you to work hard?
- YES. I feel that all the time, but I have about 1-2 teachers that actually understand. <3
Is there someone of the opposite sex on your mind atm? Tell me about them.
- Hmmmm, no not really. (:
What is something that makes you extremely angry?
- When I play a game, and then it’s not going my way, so then I think it’s retarded and want to rage.
Have you ever had issues with noisy neighbours?
- Quite some times. I had an exam the next day, and they were blasting music in their backyard at like 12A.M. -.-
What do you think it is that people like most about you?
- No ideaaaa.
Are there any fictional characters from films or TV programmes that you feel you can relate to? Explain.
- Hm maybe, but can’t think of any right now.
How much do you think your life will change in the next 12 months?
- A lot. Next year, I’ll probably be studying a lot, blogging less, and just having a really horrible lifestyle, hehe.
Have you ever fallen out of love with someone? Why do you think your feelings changed?
- Maybe, don’t know.
Are there any ways in which you feel your parents are over-protective of you? Does it annoy you, or does it make you feel glad to know that they care?
-Definitely. And it kinda does, when I can’t do certain things that aren’t necessarily ‘worryable?’ but then afterwards, I’m glad they care.
If you are a girl, do you suffer from PMS? If you are a guy, how would you react if your girlfriend told you she was pregnant?
- Used to, not so much now. I don’t get mad during it, but I defs always want to cry…?
Which heated appliances and styling products do you use on your hair?
- Straightner and hair-dryer. Horrible.
Who was the last person to call you “sexy”?
- No idea if anyone has ever called me that. :P
What is something you have in your room, that you think most people may not have?
- Stuffed toys. Or maybe lanterns.
Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?
- Yes, but not phone in hand. More like waiting and then fell asleep – in bed of course. ;P

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