Friday 24 August 2012

Cos You Said So.

Do you think someone is missing you atm?
- Hmmm…don’t think so. (:

Can you think of one reason why some people might not like you?
- I’m kinda shy, so when people approach me, it looks like I’m trying to run for it, HAHAHAHA. Or I look constipated. :P

So we’re over halfway through 2012. How has it been for you so far? Has anything happened in the past 8 months that you think you will always remember?
- It's been pretty good, last year of laid-back school before studying and then leaving school. ): Time is going by too quickly! There's too many memories that are going to be carried away with me, especially since I’m still in school and still young. (:

Can you describe what was going through your mind during your last kiss?
- Have never kissed, or been kissed. ;P

Are you talking to anyone while filling this in? What are you talking about?
- Yep, about cycling….

If you’re in a relationship, are you happy? And if you’re single, are you looking for someone?
- Never been in a relationship.

Have you ever been so drunk that you could barely stand?
- Never been drunk.

Was your last hug from someone of the opposite sex?
- I think it might have been my mum so no.

Will you be sharing your bed with someone else tonight?
- Nope, won’t anytime soon either. ;P

Is there anything wrong with you right now?
- My stomach itches….really strange.
Have you eaten chocolate today?
- OMG. I was going to eat some TimTams after dinner, but I resisted. So proud of myself, hehe.

Think back to last night … did you go to sleep before midnight?
- Always have.

The last time you sent a text to someone, did you add a kiss at the end?
- Don’t think so, don’t text much. :P

What’s the nicest thing the person you love/like has ever said to you?
- Don’t think I like anyone at the moment, can’t say.

Where did you meet the person you love/like?
- What I said^.

Have you had any recent calls or texts from any unknown numbers? Did you answer them?
- Nope.

OK … let’s just say I’m going to buy you a present … but I don’t know what to get :/ Would you mind if I just bought you a box of chocolates?
- Yeah sure, as long as it’s nuts free. Omg, that sounds so dirty.

Or, if you don’t like chocolates at all, is there something else you’d prefer?
- Well…I wouldn’t mind something else, BUT I can’t think of that ‘something’ else now. :P

Has anyone ever stolen food from you?
- Not stolen, probably asked me. ;P So no.

What is something that people make fun of you for?
- Personall…

Which supermarket do you like to shop at?
- Supermarket? I don’t have a preference.

Do you think you might have any obsessive compulsive tendencies?
- Yep. I keep cleaning my stuff. Must keep away from bacteria, and I keep washing my hands at home; gosh sound like Lady Macbeth, and NO, I didn’t murder anyone.

Who was the last person to text you? Do you think this person cares for you?
- Daniel, maybe.

Did you have a conversation last night that made you smile?
- Oh god, didn’t speak to anyone last night. Besides my family, and we always have strange talks over dinner.

Has anyone paid you a compliment at all today?
- Yep. It was really strange. Classmate leant over me and said I had really nice long eyelashes. Told her I never noticed.
^FYI, before I did this ‘tag’ I had a feeling there was a question like that in this. I’m scared.

Have you ever been told that your boyfriend/girlfriend wasn’t good enough for you?
- Never been in a relationship.

Do you think it’s okay to flirt with someone that’s already taken, as long as it goes no further?
- Well, if the person’s partner is okay with it, WHICH he/she is probably not, then no. But then I guess flirting without touching and stuff is okay…

Have you ever been on the phone for more than an hour straight?
- Might have, couple times, but was years ago.

What’s your least favourite part of your body?
- Hm…my calves..

Are you a spender or a saver?
- Spender. I know horrible, but trying to save. (:

Are you currently wearing anything pink?
- Nope.

If someone close to you is upset, does that make you feel upset too?
- Yeah.

Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do?
- Not really.

Are you wearing any label brands of clothing?
- I’m wearing asian PJs.

Do you think it’s really possible to love just one person until the day you die?
- If it’s strong. I’m a dreamer, I like to think these fairytales exist because the world is too depressing.

Someone attractive is staring at you. What do you do?
- Look away, hehe.

How long can you stay single after a relationship break-up, before you feel ready to be with someone else?
- Well, I guess however close I was with the person and how much space I need. If it was a fling, then I guess not long, but if it was for say about a half to 2 years, I’ll probably take some time.

Do you miss someone atm? Does that person know that you miss them?
- Miss my dad, because he left for soccer or something. And highly doubt it, probably not even thinking about home. ;P

Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike?
- 2. But I’m using willing to be friends’ with them.

Do you think someone else will also want to fill in this survey?
- Sure, whatever floats your boat. ;) 

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