Thursday 9 August 2012

Tag, tag, tag, tag, tag.

Can you remember what you were doing at 7:30pm on Monday?
- I think I was watching the Olympics.
Do you talk to people about your problems, or keep them to yourself?
-  Depends on what kind of problems they are.  
Does your mother still take care of you if you get ill?
- Nope, she goes to work, I stay home, end of story.
Is there anything worrying you atm, that you haven’t told anyone about?
- No I don’t think so. I think I tell a lot of people about what I’m worried about.
Who was the last person to text you? What did he/she want?
- My dad; he couldn’t pick me up.
Have you ever met a celebrity?
- I’ve never met a celebrity but I’ve seen Delta Goodrem with my naked eyeballs.
Do you feel sorry for celebs when they get hounded by the paparazzi, or do you think it’s just something that comes along with their lifestyle? Explain.
- I don’t even think about these things! Haha, but I would feel sorry for them. But then again, they’ll just have to deal with it. :P
Does your mascara run or smudge when you cry?
- If I’m careful, no.
The next time you leave your house, where will you be going?
- Tomorrow, school. ):
If someone tells you that you’re never going to amount to anything, what do you say to them?
- I honestly have no idea, because I have no idea what the phrase ‘amount to anything’ refers to.
Have you ever loved or liked someone so much that you refused to see their faults, and actually believed them to be perfect?
-  I have no idea.
Have you ever woken up halfway through an interesting dream and felt disappointed because you wanted to find out how it ended?
- Yes, and I usually try to go back to sleep but usually fail.
So, if I came to see you and spend the day with you, what do you think we would do/talk about?
- You’re a question.
Do you get along with EVERYONE in your family?
- No, wouldn’t say so. But I have a super small family. Can’t say much.
What is one song that always brings back memories every time you hear it?
- Lighters – Bruno Mars ft. Eminem and Bad Meets Evil
When did you last speak to person you love/like? Or if you don’t love/like anyone, when did you last see someone attractive?
- I don’t know.
Is there a certain topic that you struggle to talk about, because it makes you feel uncomfortable?
- A range of things.
 Your last five phone calls… Who were they from, and what did you talk about?
- Julia, Dad, Ashly, Mum, Sarah.
If someone knocks at your door right now, who do you hope to see standing there when you open it?
- I have no idea! No one hardly ever comes over unexpectedly.  
Does it irritate you when someone is constantly talking about how  much they love their boyfriend/girlfriend?
- No one has ever done that to me, BUT if I was single and they did that, I probably would get jealous, HAHAHAH; what can I say. :P
Is there anything about yourself that you might want to change, for someone you love? Explain.
- I don’t think I would change for someone, unless it was a bad thing, but I’m not sure what bad things I do that I would need to change.
Are there any items in your wardrobe that you have never worn?
- I think so.
Has anyone ever stolen anything from you?
- Truth is, I wouldn’t even know. People used to take stuff from my pencilcase and return it to me weeks later, and I wouldn’t notice a thing, hahahahah.
Tell me about the last conversation you had with …
Your mother: She told me to practise my flute.
Your father: How South Africa fell from the 400m relays.
One of your siblings: Her new guitar, and what she did at school.
One of your friends: Telling me to meet her at assembly.
Your significant other/crush: Don’t have one. ;P
Are you currently wearing anything white?
- My PJ’s. ;D
What was the last thing you touched that was blue?
- My PJ’s have blue images on it. ;D
Do you currently have any pimples?
- Yes.
If you could go back to yesterday and live the entire day all over again, is there anything you would change?
- No because then history would rewrite itself. I wouldn’t be here now. ;P
Is the last person you hugged taller than you?
- Nope.
Do you think it’s important to always think of others, or are there some situations in which you think it’s best to put yourself first?
- It’s a bit of both really.
What was the last song you downloaded?
- Where do you Want to be – Charity Vance. To be honest, haven’t listened to a full song in ages.
Have you had butterflies in your stomach recently?
- I’ve had stomach cramps!
Did anything disturb your sleep at all last night?
- Nope.
Who was the last person to make you feel awkward or embarrass you?
- I’m usually the one that embarrasses others because of how utterly silly and clumsy I am. HAHAHA.
Have you met or talked to anyone new recently? What was your first impression of that person? Would you like to see or speak to them again?
- Don’t think I’ve met anyone new since like March. :P
Has anyone made you feel upset recently? And if they have, did they realise they made you feel that way?
- Yes, probably….not.
Do you ever get told that you look younger/older than your actual age?
- I was asked if I was my mum’s sister…..
Are you confused about your feelings for someone?
- I don’t think about those things anymore, since they just hinder me.
Have you ever felt so strongly for someone that you actually couldn’t imagine your life without them?
- Hahahaha, still young. ;D
 Who was the last person to tell you they loved you? Do you know what that person is doing at this moment?
- Honestly have no idea…


  1. bothered HAHAHA XD thanks for the read~ (theres your answer to the last question ;P LOL jksjks XD)
