Saturday 18 August 2012

Update: Assessments, Formal & 40 Hr Famine

Past week has been pretty hectic. I had three tests last week, and this week I'll be having another three. It was just so hectic. Studying and cramming, but I'm glad some of them are over. This week however, haven't really focused on these assessments and another assignment is due, really need to get onto them.

Another thing, formal is in about 2 months for our school, been looking for dresses and found one online, then went instore to try it on. (: Ended up getting it, but still kinda stressing about it.

Also, started the 40 Hour Famine yesterday at 8P.M, and as I've done for the past 2 years - gave up food. So starvingg now. In the car, this thought came through me, that whatever I'm experiencing, kids in developing countries experience it everyday, so 40 hours don't even count. Makes me sad, and then I was thinking about whether it was possible to build a farm, then grow chickens and crap, then prepare food, put it on an aeroplane and send the food in their thousands every 3 months to developing countries so they get food. Hurhurhur, but I don't think that's legal or I have the money to do that...

Just a really short update, sorry haven't been posting in a while. It feels really strange blogging, ;o.

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Michelle x