Sunday 28 August 2011

Movie Review No. 6 - Cowboys and Aliens

The main character was Jake Lonergan who was played by Daniel Craig. Olivia Wilde played Ella who was actually a .... I shouldn't say. Oopsies. Lol. Turns out she played in Tron as well :O Never realised. But I did realise that Noah Ringer was in the movie; he played a guy named Emmett Targgart. Noah starred in 'Avatar the Last Airbender' except in this movie, he wasn't bald. :P Thought he did a good job. (:

The director was Jon Favreau who also starrs in Freddie Wong's video where Freddie went to the actual set for the movie :

The movie itself was really good. I really enjoyed it and as usual, as I watch anything, I cried ... A BIT though ! I even cry watching the didn't need to know that :O But too late. :P

Definitely a movie worth watching. The trailer doesn't really show much so you'll have to go watch it yourself to really understand what's it's about. (: Really action-packed and nerve-racking though. (:

Rating: 8.5/10
Recommendation: For those who like action-packed things and Daniel Craig. Mixed with Cowboyness/Westerness (:

Michelle xx


  1. What did Olivia play in? Like which character in Tron? =o It was good! Haha - same comment you commented on mine. xx

  2. She was the short black haired girl if you remember her. The second main character - the one that got out. :P xx

  3. Lol! Got out. But nu-uh, can't remember. =P xx

  4. :O Search the posters and it's the blacked haired girl with the guy. (: xx
