Thursday 11 August 2011

Update No. 48 - Went back to School :D

I finally resumed school on Wednesday which was yesterday. I didn't go to school early yesterday for badminton training since my mum said 'no' and I valued my sleep. :P I wonder how badminton training went for Julia ( ) since she went by herself ): I didn't even ask. :O

I also decided not to go to knitting club after school since my dad couldn't pick me up after knitting, so I didn't want to catch the bus home and be late for my flute lesson.

School yesterday was really tiring since I had this really hard Japanese Language Certificate Examination. That was SOO hard ): Didn't know half of the test. ): But at least it was multiple choice ;) I was also tired because I was still recovering from my flu/whatever my illness is. I actually had fevers for 3 days in a row. :O

During geography, Jane wanted to use up her liquid correction thing so Alisa and I had spent the past 2-3 weeks trying to use it up. And in geography yesterday, we succeeded so we actually cut up her correction liquid thing because we were:

1) Naughty,
2) Curious,
3) For the sake of doing so ;)

I took some pictures ;)

Altogether ;) Alisa's scissors are damn strong. Mine couldn't cut the correction thing. ):

What was inside ;)

Together; after we took out whatever was inside as well ;)
  And I had to catch up on so much missed work. :O At least some of my classmates helped write some notes on the sheets that the teacher gave out (: So that was good. Now I just have to decipher figure out how to do my homework with the notes. (: So thank you to Alisa, Julia and Jane (:
So today, school went normally. During PE, we had to make our own game of sport and it was seriously so hard. Our team/group had no ideas whatsoever so we are really screwed. No ideas came to us and it's an assessment task worth 20% of our report mark T_T.

On the train today, I didn't catch the train back with Julia since she had to go early and the person that was taking me back home was late. But I found this really funny sticker thing on the train and I took a picture of it. (:

What does it look like? ;)
 When I came home today, I made a grilled sandwich which was really good. I used our newly bought griller which I haven't taken pictures of yet. And I will soon. (: So here's my sandwich :D

The bread was sooo crunchy <3 :D
 That's all for today,

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

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