Friday 12 August 2011

Update No. 49 - More School and Coaching

I went to school early today for band rehearsal. Was really fun. We played this piece called 'Whispers of the Wind' by David Shaffer and it sounded really really good and it sounded like it came from the 'Pirates of the Carribian'. :O Going to check Youtube now to see if they have the piece there so you might be able to hear it (:

I found a few on Youtube. Just search it up but other people are performing it and it sounds bad quality so yeah. Not linking them here. If you're really interested - search them up. Actually I'll show one:


So for lunch I had mushroom and chicken pasta with chicken. (: It had cheese in it. According to Julia ( ) it smelt and tasted really good. Too bad I couldn't taste or smell it that great since I was sick and for some reason my senses don't function that well when I'm sick. :/ I took pictures of it though (:

Enjoy your weekends (:

Michelle xx

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