Saturday 27 August 2011

Update No. 54 - Weekends and Kitty Update !

It's finally the weekends and I didn't do anything today. I just had Chinese school in the morning and maths tutoring in the afternoon. For maths tutoring, we went through some study notes to get me ready for this test I'm going to have on Thursday. It's on Consumer Arithmetic and Coordinate Geometry, both which I find challenging. ): The questions are all mumbo jumbo to me. :P

Tomorrow, I'm going to see 'Cowboy and Aliens' with Julia ( ) and Bob. Really excited. :D

Yesterday, at Matrix Coaching, Julia and I kept giggling at the teacher and I think the class kinda got annoyed since we kept laughing at everything everyone said. We had a corrupted mind. :P

A kitty update in this post as well since I've only done one or two posts on my cat which was really early on, when I first started blogging. :O I have this picture of my and my cat that my sister took recently. Sorry about the lighting. He kept moving around. :P And he's fat.

Look at his legs! AHAHAHAH!
Another pic (:
Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. Haha - Coaching was fun. =P But seriously, everything Mr. C said was wrong. Or maybe it was just us. ;) xx

  2. I KNOW RIGHT! Your blog disappeared !!! xx
