Monday 8 August 2011

Update No. 46 - Didn't go to School Today


So on Sunday I actually got the flu or something. And I woke up extremely early today since I had to go pee. I woke up around 5:30am. And then I remembered that my sister wanted to wake up at 5:20am so she could get ready to go to camp so I woke her up. And now she's at camp ): So lonely. ):

After waking her up and going to the bathroom, I went back to bed and tried to sleep but I had a pounding headache that wouldn't go away and I ended up staring at the ceiling for about 1 and a half hours.

So when my alarm went, I got up and strangely, I didn't feel tired. I got ready for school and went downstairs and my mum told me not to go to school. And after some arguing with her, I decided not to go. ): I knew that if I didn't go, I'll have a lot to catch up on which I'll find out tomorrow. :P

I spent the whole day reading this book I borrowed from my sister ( yeah, she calls the book her property... ) and I'm more than halfway through it by now. It's 'The Red Pyramid' by Rock Riordan who is such a good writer. His books are so interesting! Well in my case. Lol.

So I stayed at home, texted people to let them know and so that they could get my sheets, homework and stuff. I ate lunch and went to bed but then Alisa called me. So I chatted with some of my friends - Julia ( ), Alisa and some other friends that I haven't mentioned in my blog before so therefore, I won't mention them. :P I think I chatted for about 15 minutes. :O

So I slept from 1pm till around 3pm when my dad called and I had to answer the phone. So then I decided to get up anyways. BUT I got tired after a few hours again. When I mean tired, I mean like I really need to sleep. ): Still feel like that now. ):

I went to the doctor's around 5pm and he said all this Chinese crap that I couldn't concentrate on since I was so sleepy. But he said there might be medicine that can help my stomache cramps to stop when I get them and he gave me advice on what to do when I feel like I was going to faint.

I just had dinner and my stomache is hurting. Again. D: Hopefully I'll get better (: Sorry - long post about my day, must be tedious to read. el oh el.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. What is el oh el? =P I hope you've recovered! Or you will. xx

  2. el oh el = LOL. Eheheh. I'm getting better. :P xx
