Friday 5 August 2011

Update No. 42 - Loving 'Look at Me Now'

I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH THE SONG: 'Look at me now' by Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne. Thanks to Julia ( ) for recommending/ showing me the song (:

School was normal today. I had Maths Competition yesterday and it was so hard that I literally guessed all the questions after 5. There were 30 questions in total. I have a feeling I'm going to get Participation :P Yesterday, Julia and I were trying to rap the song on the train which was really hard. I LOVE IT. :D We're going to keep trying to rap it. Hopefully we'll get there.

Julia didn't come to school today since she was sick. So get better soon Julia (:. I was supposed to have band this morning but since a majority of the band was away at Jeans for Genes Day fundraising, it was cancelled and I didn't know that till I got there. Dang - I woke up early for nothing.

I got to go to Matrix Coaching now.

Until next time,
Michelle xx (:


  1. WOOT! LOOK AT ME NOW! I'm all good now - took pills. =) And you sound so American saying Dang, haha. Going to shower now. xx

  2. Lol - how does Dang sound American? :P xx
