Saturday 6 August 2011

Update No. 45 - At the Restaurant

Ok. It's the next day and I know I'm talking about last night but I got home around 11pm and I was really really tired since I woke up really early - 5am. So I'll post about my restaurant trip now. Lol.

I actually had a bad stomache before I left and I was listening to Look at me Now during the whole trip to my friend's new place. My parents were trying to figure out how to use the GPS. el oh el.

SO we got to their place and chatted for a while and even received a wedding invitation from that lady. It was designed like a plane boarding ticket and I actually thought it was until I asked her.

We walked to this RSL club for about 10 minutes which was straight down the road. I was hyper. My sister was like: ' ==" Why are you so happy Michelle? ' And I was literally skipping down the road.

So we went to this Chinese Seafood Restaurant and I still had that damn stomache. Even though I was hyper. So I took some photos with my phone.

Look at the uhm design on the top! It's so awesome (:
 So I went to the toilet with my mum and yes I fainted again. ): Now I really think it's the syncope but I'm going to check with my doctor. He said he doesn't know for sure what it is but I was really dizzy. After about 15 minutes and texting Alisa and Julia, well mostly Alisa. Lol. We started eating and I felt better which was cool (:

Once we left it was like around 10:30pm. Or later actually. So by the time we got home it was 11pm and I went on Facebook to check for updates and stuff. Brushed my teeth and went to bed.

End of Story. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. Eeeeeek! D: I was wondering why you weren't on Facebook - hope you're ok now and I think I said that like 50 times haha. =P xx

  2. LOL. BUT I posted on Blogger some hours before I left. :P And I'm fine now..but I think I'm sick ): xx
