Wednesday 31 August 2011

Update No. 56 - Tests + Assignments = Stress ):

I just did my Maths test today. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought. We had 60 minutes to do the test and I finished 40 minutes early. :OOO So I checked it for 20 minutes. And rested for 5 minutes, checked for 3 minutes. Sat for 2 minutes and gave it in early 10 minutes. Can't believe I memorised the times I finished and stuff. :P

I had badminton training this morning but didn't get to train with Julia ( ) since I was in the Competition Training team. I told her to join so she can improve but she was too scared ): Don't know who she played with. Lol. The badminton trainer didn't zip his fly by the way. Don't ask me why I looked. :P I WASN'T PERVING D: THERE WAS SOMETHING GLITTERING IN IT AND-- Never mind. (:

After school, I had knitting club and Julia and I recorded for our Elective History presentation. I acted as the guy. Lol. Anyways, we are editing it tomorrow as there were random parts when we started laughing because of my voice. I'm not going to put it on Blogger since it's too embarrassing. Lol. :$

For the geography presentation today, I made up an excuse and got away with it like many others. I need to finish it on Friday now or I'll get nought. I think I'll be able to finish by then. I'll put the video on Blogger since it's only my voice and it's promoting Australia...well meant to. Lol.

No pictures today; so sorry for all this slabby text.

Hope you have a good one,
Michelle xx

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