Tuesday 30 August 2011

Update No. 55/Rant No. 1 - Extremely Stressed ):

Recently, I've been so stressed. Not from important exams. Just from so many things that are due in the next few weeks; including this one. ): Tomorrow, I have my Maths test on Consumer Arithmetic and Coordinate Geometry. NOT READY D: I have NOT studied. ): I can't even finish the exercise without 600 mistakes. So. Screwed. D:

The day after that ( Thursday ) I have a Japanese Topic Test which I haven't studied for either. Why? BECAUSE THE MATHS TEACHER GAVE US SO MUCH HOMEWORK THAT I DON'T HAVE TIME TO D: And I don't even know half of the vocabulary you need to know. D:

On Friday, I have to go to this Tree Day for planting trees for half the day. More catching-up to do. ): Not to mention I have to present my Geography video which I haven't finished either ! Maybe I should switch to Powerpoint like everyone else is doing. ):

And then the weekends ! And the it's not over yet ! I have this Elective History exam on Tuesday on Case Studies that you HAVE to study for or you're screwed. That's me ): On the same day, my Japanese Dialogue thing is due.

Next Thursday, my English website is due. ): Dreamweaver is so DAMN HARD/ CONFUSING to use. It won't work for me. ): It must really hate me. Screw. You.

Anyways, that was my Rant. Lol.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx

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