Saturday 6 August 2011

Update No. 44 - Old school Fete :D

I just came back from my old school fete which was in my old primary school. The school has changed so much in 3 years :O But then again, 3 years is a long time. Didn't have time to go exploring and having a tour of the place since I had Chinese School in the morning.

The fete started at 10am till 4pm. So I went after lunch and everything. So I went around 1:30-1:45pm.

The tickets for the rides were SOOO expensive. I only brought $35 with me and the band for the unlimited rides was $30!! So I only had $5 left. :O But I met with my old school friends which were about 15 people but then some how this guy named Jay from my current school went as well even though he didn't go to our old school. So many schools in that sentence that it's confusing lol.

Uhmm....this guy won me a toy that I'm going to give to my sister since she wanted me to buy her a toy and I couldn't be bothered didn't have enough time to look for one.

I took a picture before I gave it to my sister (:
 So after thousands of times on the rides, I had to go back home at 4pm on the dot. Too bad I was busy talking and catching up that I didn't know what time it was since I didn't bring my watch for once. So by the time I got home ( I walked ) it was 4:30pm :O Now it's 5:25pm and I'm eating fruit and I've showered to get ready to go out for dinner since we're going to this family's friend's place.

Hope you have a great weekend (:

Michelle xx


  1. The bunny is so cute! And you're going out for dinner so no wonder you're not on Facebook, lol. The fete sounded like a lot of fun! xx

  2. Yeps. But apparently it's second-hand? :S And yes that's why I'm not on Facebook. BUT I was on Messenger. :P And it was pretty fun ;D xx
