Monday 8 August 2011

Update No. 47 - Didn't go to School AGAIN! :O

I didn't go to school today AGAIN. I woke up this morning and I was really hot ( temperature-wise to all of my wrong-minded friends out there :P ) and I took my temperature and it was 38.6 degrees Celcius. So my mum told me not to go to school; again. So I had to change back into my pyjamas and go back to bed. I slept till around 9am. Which was 12 hours of sleeping since I slept at 9pm last night.

When I got up my eyeballs hurt ): They still do but at a lesser measure of pain. ): So I took Panadol and for the rest of the day I tried to do some homework.

My sister's coming back from camp today at 6pm :D Excited for that. (: I'm going to ask how her trip was. (:

Nothing to say but I think I have a lot of work to catch up on ):

Thanks for reading this extremely short update (:

Michelle xx


  1. Lucky cause you get all the sleep. =P Tell Ada I said Hi. And I'll hopefully see you tomorrow! xx

  2. Yep, but it doesn't seem like it's helping T_T Ada: ==" Uh...hi? LOL. Yes, hopefully! xx
