Saturday 30 June 2012

Update: Obsession with Hats && New Jackets

So today, woke up kinda early for a Saturday, but just stayed in bed for an hour playing 'Pocket Planes' and 'Tiny Tower' on my iPod til I got up. (: It was pretty fun, just lying there. I could see the sun coming up through the curtains. Made my day.

Anyhoo, changed and went out to go grocery shopping with my family. Also grabbed some items.

I was looking for really sheer leggings/stockings or whatever you call them. :P Just got a cheap one from Woolies for half the price you would get at a retail store. It's probably going to rip soon, but ah wells.

I have a new found obsession with hats. Firstly I was obsessed with beanies, and really desperately wanted a black one. Got one and so happy with it. After that one dies I'm getting a thicker one that's not so floppy. ;) That's what she said. Anyhoo, today, I wore a hat I had for some time but only wore once which is featured in my post : Honestly, I have this temptation to take that post down because the outfit is just so boring and I don't like it that much. ;P

Oh and then today, found a $5 hat at Jayjays in the sale section. So happy with it. It's this wide brimmed black fedora hat with this ribbon bow thing. It's so nice. (: And it would help with keeping the sun outta my face AND keep my hair down when it's windy. It's winter here, but it's still amazingly sunny but chilly. :P If that makes any sense at all.

Was originally $29.99. ;D Good bargain. :D
It feels weird when I'm not wearing a hat, but yeah. (: Really into hats at the moment.

ALSO, I was eyeing a Varsity jacket in Kmart for a really long time, which is red and blue schemed. And it sold out in a week. And the price was pretty good - $19. And when it sold out, it made me sad, so I gave up finding another one, til my mum found one last week. And she took me to the store this week and BAM. There it was. So this time definitely bought it, because second chances are hard to come by. ;) Convinced my sister also to get one, but she didn't like the colour red so she got a grey and black schemed one. Personally I reckon the red and blue looks nicer. ;) I AM GOING TO PERSONALISE IT. ;D ♥

Anyhoo, not much to say, oh and sorry for not taking a picture with the jacket, forgot to. ):

Planning to go to DFO with my mum and Julia ( ) tomorrow to go shopping together. Initially, we planned that Julia would come over like last week ( post here : ) to finish off the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy. But then changed plans just a couple of hours ago.

Oh, and it's finally the holidays! I'm so glad, means I can do a lot more things that I couldn't do when I had school because it was way to stressful to cram in all the stuff I would like to do.

And one of them is to blog more. It feels so nice to blog fully again, and that would explain my rambling. I should shut up now. (:

Thanks for reading!
Michelle x

Michelle's Style | 30.06.12

shirt - blue jade | necklaces - diva | leggings - flea market | boots - williams | hat - thrifted | bag & earrings - colette accessories 
Honestly, I wasn't going to upload this because my outfit was so drab and boring today. But just decided to because I wanted to continue my little 'series'. 

Anyhoo, it wasn't that cold today, kinda sunny, and just went grocery shopping. I picked up a few items which I will do a post on after this one. (: 

So nothing really structural in today's outfit, as usual. :P 

Anyhoo, thanks for looking. ;)

Michelle x

Thursday 28 June 2012

Favourites: June 2012


So recently found a really nice and sad ancient song covered by Beyonce. Came over it after watching 'The Voice Australia' for a while and one of the singers - Fatai V, she sung her own cover of this cover. But didn't buy her version, just got Beyonce's. (:

Another would be one I always hear on the radio - Lego House by Ed Sheeran. I think most people would've already heard this already, and it's really good. (:

I also had to add one more in this list. Was watching anime some weeks ago and was watching a movie from Naruto Shippuden, and this is one of the most beautiful songs I've heard. Can't understand anything she's saying but she sounds so angelic it's crazyyyyy.


Wow. Realised I have not read anything. I'm going to library to borrow some books. My eyes need some food. :P


Lord of the Rings. Hands down. I admit sometimes it's a bit slow moving, but then it adds to the suspense and creepiness. (: Otherwise it's really good! <3


Don't have one at the moment! (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle (:

Update: Musicale Night && Sport Photos

Last night, had my school Musicale performance, which was pretty awesome. We performed two pieces: 'Blackforest Overture' and 'Thriller'. Our item was after the interval, so there was a while til our performance. Just hung out at the back of the hall with a fellow band member/classmate and watched the performances before ours. They were amazing! Such proud. ;)

Anyhoo, I left after my performance and got home around 9.30P.M, and just went to bed because had to go to school early for badminton the next day.

So today, had badminton in the morning, which was alright, and Julia wasn't here at school. So in the morning, I had badminton sport photos, where the team takes a group photo together, formalised of course. (: And I completely forgot about that, so was bit of a shock to me. ;P

At history elective period today, had to present our presentation video. Which actually took me 2 long days to complete. And my group hadn't actually seen it yet, so was a bit nervous about them judging it. But it was alright. (:

At lunch, there was a fundraising BBQ Sausage Sizzle event at our school, which I went and got a "hot dog". Didn't take a picture, but it didn't look that nice - but it was for charity. :D Since we're talking about charities, I want to mention I've signed up for the 40 Hour Famine, and probably will give up food. I did this for about 2 years in a row already, pretty proud of myself. But it was pretty painful, my heart goes out to all those children, and adults, who have to suffer from famine.

So afterwards, had sport, where we played street hockey. Ohmygosh, it's the best game ever! We didn't have any body protection ( that came out wrong. ;P ), so we had to be careful of not swinging our hockey sticks, but nearly had my head hacked off. :P We like to play violent. Mostly me. And gained couple of bruises on my leg. I had never sweated so much after those games, it really was fun. (: And had an awesome team as well - yay for teamwork. Won 2 out of 3 games. :D

Not much to say now, pretty much it. Oh! I know I've failed the challenge, I'll try and finish it off when I'm bothered. :P

And I'll also do my monthly favourites. (: This time I'll try to write more on the stuff because it seems so boring. :P And no one seems to be liking them. ;P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x

Sunday 24 June 2012

Challenge: 4 ways to make me happy

1. Being able to make someone else happy, whatever that is.

2. Given a compliment.

3. Little things in life that flow nicely.

4. Something unexpected, in the good way. ;D

Michelle x

Challenge: 5 qualities of your ideal boy

1. Accepts me for who I am, and not willing to change it, or make fun of me. (:

2. Quite outgoing, and down to earth. (:

3. Not judgmental and likes to 'have fun'. HAHA. If you know what I mean. ;)

4. Ain't shy to tell me what he's feeling. Seriously, guys are so confusing. :P

5. I know this sounds gay, but like, likes to take his time to make me feel special. That came out dirty, HAHAHA.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x

Update: Lord of the Rings ft. Julia && Homemade Lunches

Today, had tennis training in the morning, played a bit longer than usual and then picked up Julia ( ) and got home.

So when we got home, just chilled a bit first, and went on my computer, and showed each other couple of songs and then watched the Janoskians on Youtube, for agesssss. Respect to themm. <3 Oh and they are very very attractive. ;3

Anyhoo, started cooking after that, and we prepared everything. We agreed to make a lotta food because my sister wanted to join in, on our little feast and movie. So agreed to make kebab skewers, fruit salad skewers and sandwiches. They were so friggen good!! ♥ We took a long time making stuff, but in the end, it was definitely worth it!

In preparation, everything set out on the table. 

Fruit skewers done! 

The meat skewers before cooking. 
Meat skewers after cooking. They were so difficult to cook, cos I kept burning them. 

SANDWICHES. Julia made these and they were the nicest sandwiches ever! I should get a sandwich maker. ;D
Since I was the one cooking the skewers, I personally found it difficult. The picture you see up there, is not actually how they turned out. They were black before, HAHAHA. Like really black, and made Julia cut the black stuff off, since the inside was nicely cooked, just the outside wasn't so nice. :P

We managed to watch most of the first 'Lord of the Rings' movie, but didn't finish it. Will watch it with my sister in our own time, and Julia might be coming over again next week for lunch and to watch the second movies. :D I'll keep what we're making a surprise. (:

Anyhoo, haven't updated in a while and I know I've failed the challenge, but I really can't think of 6 childhood memories, so might have to throw that one away. :P Also, there may be a full-day teacher's strike on Wednesday, so thinking maybe I can watch the end of the movie then. Also have a musical school performance that night that I have to go to, will post how that goes. (:

Last week til the holidays starting tomorrow. ;D Can't wait til I can bliss out. (:

Anyhoo, thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll have a nicer flow of posts coming through.

Michelle ♥

Saturday 23 June 2012

Michelle's Style | 23.06.12

denim shirt - jayjays | maroon shirt - jayjays | necklaces - diva | scarf - flea market | tights - bossini | boots - william's | bracelets - sportsgirl
So today was super sunny and nice weather, but still kinda cold. I know my looks so far have been kinda repetitive, but haven't really put that much thought into it. But yeah, still wanted to continue this. (:

Anyhoo, so just chucked anything on I guess, can't really say anything structural about this. But super nice day, made me really happy. ;D

And also, on another side note, I know I've failed the challenge, but I will continue it tomorrow, I've just been super busy with doing projects for school which are group based and I really don't want to let down my group, please bear with me.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy these. (:

Michelle x

Thursday 21 June 2012

Challenge: 7 dreams you want to achieve

1. Travel the world.

2. Be rich.

3. Help the world somehow. Ie. famine, etc. (:

4. Be successful in life.

5. Get married and have kids.

6. Own a really big dog, sounds stupid but I really want to. (:

7. Own a house.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle (:

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Challenge: 8 people you treasure the most

I won't put specific people but more generally because I don't want to make people left out. (:

1. Mum.

2. Dad.

3. Sister.

4. Close/Best friends.

5. My kitty, even though he's not a person. (:

6. Grandparents, and relatives.

7. School friends.

8. Out of school friends? HAHA, lol. :P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Challenge: 9 places you want to visit

1. England, more specifically London.

2. United States, specifically Los Angeles.

3. I want to go back to New Zealand. ):

4. Italy, Rome. ;D

5. Thailand.

6. Queensland, Australia.

7. Japan.

8. Singapore.

9. Some remote island, HAHAHA. :P

Man, this was hard since I don't even know many countries, HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Michelle x

Monday 18 June 2012

Challenge: 10 adjectives to describe yourself

1. Chill.

2. Procrastinator/lazy.

3. Talking machine.

4. Opinionated.

5. Childish.

6. Caring.

7. Emotional.

8. Commanding?

9. Risk taker.

10. Dangerous. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

Okay, I cheated a bit and had nouns, but you get the gist. ;D Oh and don't quote me on these. ;P

Thanks for reading,

Michelle x

Challenges are back!

Haven't done a challenge in a long long time, and I've been challenged to do this, so will start from today. (: 

Michelle x

Sunday 17 June 2012

Michelle's Style | 17.06.12

beanie - RUBI shoes | denim shirt -  Jayjays | necklace - diva | jeggings - flea market | boots - William's |
Today, basically wore what I did yesterday, but the weather was really good, so didn't have to wear so much. (:

Basically, today had tennis training in the morning and then went to jog even more. When I got home, I was stinky and smelly from running and training, and had to meet up with Julia ( ) to find work experience, so changed into this.

I braided my hair to the side because, honestly, it didn't smell very....pleasant, not to put you off. :P But it was kinda windy and didn't want to smell my hair. Also added a beanie because I couldn't keep all my hair into the braid. Then just wore casual clothes. (: Only had 10-15 minutes to get ready so rushed. (:

Anyhoo, hope you're enjoying this! (:

Michelle xoxo

Friday 15 June 2012

Michelle's Style | 16.06.12

Shirt - Chicabooti | Denim Shirt - Jayjays | Jeggings - flea market | Boots - William's | Beanie - RUBI shoes | Scarf - flea market | Necklace - DIVA 
So I finally have an outfit of the day. Today was really rainy and kinda wet, so did some layering. Wore my boots as well, which I did say I was going to do an outfit with. (: It was just really casual today because just went to school and came home, wanted something kinda warm.

Oh and I did get a beanie for $5 last week. It isn't as good as the other one I saw when I went shopping with Julia, but will get a new one if this one wears out. (:

Also wore my dagger earrings, but couldn't get a picture of them because they kept moving and the angles weren't right.

Hope you enjoyed this, and if you want more, I'll definitely do more!

Michelle xoxo

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Update: Athletics Carnival ft. HARDCORE RAIN

So today's weather was not good. It looked pretty nice in the morning, just sunny with some fog and clouds. And it was chilly, but around afternoon it turned really bad - it was pouring.

The track, thanks to Julia ( ) for the photo. (: 
Anyhoo, went to the venue and found seats. And the first event was 1500m, which Julia sorta forced me into. T.T But still did it anyways. Didn't do so well, and got muscle cramps afterwards. Period.

We also did the 100m, which we just made in time for since we missed the announcement. By then, it had started pouring buckets. So I think we were the second last race before we took a break from the track. It was really hard to run in wet weather but still managed to come second, which isn't bad. (:

So after we did the 100m, we ate some fries together, and thanks again to Julia for taking the photo. (: Sorry if it looks gross, but we asked for a lotta sauce. ;D

So basically the rest of the events weren't exciting at all, just chilled with Julia and another friend of ours, Eileen, for the rest of the day. We finished the carnival an hour early, so managed to pick up my sister from school as well. (: Bought these Korean skewers to give to her and I ate some as well, because I was still hungry. (:

Anyhoo, it's getting kinda late and I have badminton training tomorrow, thanks for reading!

Michelle x

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Update: Music Workshop & Math Results

So today, the weather was a freakin' nightmare. It just wouldn't stop pouring, and it was windy. T.T

Basically went to school, and half way during maths, had to leave for a Music Workshop. But before that, we were receiving our math half yearly results back, and I didn't know. So I just looked at my score and told my friend to mark it for me. (: I texted her a while ago and apparently there are no changes. Didn't do that bad this time, actually improved by a lot surprisingly. My parents are telling my to thank my math tutor for this, but I seriously can't be bothered, but I guess I have to. :P

Anyways, the music workshop was basically a combined school band rehearsal and concert thing, and it ran until 6.30P.M. It was really fun to say the least!

So didn't really have lunch, we went into rehearsal together with the other school for some pieces, and together, we sounded amazingly loud. My ears were ringing afterwards, HAHA. Their percussionist was amazingly violent with the drum kit, and it sounded awesome, HAHA. We played two pieces together, THRILLER by Michael Jackson and SMOKE ON THE WATER. (:

After that, we got a small 15 minute break, which I devoured my lunch because I was so tired by then. BUT, we had tutorials and more band rehearsals within our own band. And it was really tiring because we were playing for 2 hours non-stop. My flute was dripping by the end of it, as gross as that sounds, LOL.

So when we came back it was around 4P.M, and we had ordered pizza. It was a pizza between 3, and honestly, I could eat 2 pizzas alone without stopping. I was that tired and hungry. D:

We practised for another hour afterwards, and then performed in front of a small group of parents and teachers. We played the two combined pieces along with our own band piece. When we finished, left and got home. Had another dinner, hehe, and showered.

Just blogging now, and have to go bed really really soon because we have Athletics Carnival tomorrow, and I'm competing.

Thanks for reading this massively long and ranty post. (:

Michelle x

good friends are...

Not much to expand on this, but wanted to share this old saying because thought it was really cute, and true. (: I'm sure this is very relative to most people. (:

Michelle x

Saturday 9 June 2012

The Amazing Moments in Life;

Personally, nearly all of these I can relate to myself, and I absolutely agree they are amazing moments in life!

The ones that do relate to me are: 

1. coming home late and going straight to bed.
2. buying amazing clothes that you found on sale.
3. holding hands.
4.unexpected moments that become your favourite memories.

7. taking long showers that wash away your worries. - and this is why I take such a long time in the shower, don't judge me. ;D
8. feeling as though you finally belong somewhere.

10. feeling satisfied after a delicious meal.

12. meeting people that happen to change your life.
13. when you have a great night of sleep.
14. drinking a cup of tea. - GOTTA LOVE TEA!
15. realising everything is going to be okay.

Those that don't apply to me, are those I haven't personally really experienced yet, (: 

Which ones apply to you? (;

Michelle x


Thought this quote is quite true. I'm just going to elaborate this according to my personal experiences and how I personally perceive it. (: 

So personally, I hardly regret anything. The few things or the only things I do regret are usually something really really big. I don't regret my past though, only things I didn't do. I love my past in fact, and I think it's what made me, as cheesy as that sounds, and I really believe in that. I'm not ashamed of who I am now, and I guess that's why I don't regret anything in the past, for now. HAHA.

Can't really think of a personal experience that links to this quote right now, but I can think of one that doesn't really relate to me. People regret their past relationships, I can understand why. 

They can regret they even met that person and had a relationship with them because they felt it wasted their time in their life and the end result was really painful. But if you think about it, before you were in that relationship, you wanted it. You wanted it for your own reasons, and that's why you shouldn't regret it. You got what you asked for, and it shapes who you are now. 

I guess regretting the past isn't really going to help, the only way is to get past what happened - it's the past, there's nothing you can do about it, and just learn from it. Learn from it so that it won't happen again. 

Just some thoughts I wanted to share, thanks for reading! 

Michelle x

Friday 8 June 2012

Update: Venus Transit, Senior Production && Hot Chocolate! [super long post]

Firstly, I know I have been slacking off and not posting as much as I should. My inner lazy me just can't be bothered to move my photos from my phone to the computer. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, but I have some quote posts coming up hopefully sometime soon. (:

Okay, so on 06/06/2012, there was the Venus transit, which wouldn't happen again until about 125 years later I think? Please correct me on that. ;P Anyways, our school was lucky enough for a nearby university to supply some telescopes around lunch time to see it. At first, I had no idea what it was all about, but decided to have a look since I wanted to live my life to the full, and I hate missing out opportunities. (:

Basically all I saw was the big fat round sun with this black pea sized dot on the bottom left hand corner. :P

Anyways, the next day, Julia ( ) and I decided to watch the Senior Production drama show which started from 7P.M - 8P.M. Basically it was a combined performance of all our students and the guys' school. It was seriously good! It was just so complex and just really goood!

Before we went though, we went to grab some dinner and food. So first, we went to grab some fries. But we were really scared we would run out of money and Julia keeps all sorts of things in random pockets of her bag, so we were just scavenging in her bag for random money. AND by doing that, we managed to clean her bag out. ;D

Anyways, we had some fries and the lady didn't add enough salt so Julia went back to get some more. But then the lady looked so pissed we didn't want to go back for more. But then it wasn't salty enough to be really enjoyable, so Julia went back. I thought the lady wasn't going to stop pouring the salt, HAHAHAHA.

Not so salty fries. :P 
Afterwards, went to Ajisen Ramen because the fries weren't enough - I know we are big girls. ;) And that was really good as well!

Nearly forgot to take a picture!
So when I got home it was kinda late but the performance was definitely worth it! Congrats to those girls and guys that performed, the band and the directors!

Oh! Nearly forgot, but there was this alleyway next to Ajisen Ramen that was really pretty and I had to take a photo of it. But didn't turn out that nice on camera but thought I'd include in this post anyways!

So today, had a hot chocolate from the canteen and took it to class. Love doing that nowadays since the weather is so cold! D;

For lunch, went to the guys' school to get my lunch for cheaper. Got a mayo chicken sandwich and chicken bites. I wanted spicy chicken bites but I guess there was none today. ): Oh wells, was still good!

Sorry the bites look so disgusting, but there were really good!
Had Matrix coaching afterwards which was okay, moved to another classroom which was much better because we have so many students in our class.

Tomorrow, have Chinese school and on Sunday, tennis training. We have a long weekend this week since it's Queen's Birthday. (: Oh, and happy birthday! :P

Not much to add, but if something is blog-worthy, I'll definitely blog about it!

Thanks for reading!
Michelle x

Monday 4 June 2012

"The features you call ugly, others call beauty."

I don't know if anyone has actually said this before, but this is what I came up with. (: Haven't been bothered to find quotes, LOL. 

Anyways, just wanted to point out everyone is beautiful in their own ways, and even though you may not see it, others will. 

For example, I know some people might find their long fingers are horrible and look strange. Okay, strange scenario, but can't think of another one at the moment, lol. Anyways, I reckon long fingers are cute, but just saying, some people reckon it doesn't look cute...

Okay, that didn't come out so nicely, but you know what I mean. (:

Of course this quote wouldn't apply to everything, but I think it helps people to view things more positively, and not worry about little things like that. I reckon, people shouldn't worry too much, and just enjoy what they have. (:

Sorry this was so short, but oh wells.

Thanks for reading and hoped this helped. Have a great one!

Michelle ♥

Update: Post-Exam Shopping ft. Julia


So since it's after exams Julia ( ) and I actually went shopping. We planned this before exams so we would have something to look forward to after exams - sorta like a treat to ourselves, if you know what I mean. ;)

We went to a super large Westfield and went to heaps of stores which most were on mid-year sales. Was really really fun! I was really excited the night before. I actually made a list of what I wanted to get, and I got some things from it. One thing I really wanted was a black beanie, but considering I had gotten a lot of things already, I didn't. But I will get one later. But still really want one. (:

For lunch, had curry chicken with rice, it was kinda cheap with the water - $6.90. (:

Not much to add, but made some hot chocolate afterwards and picked up my sister from school. (: Oh and check out her blog here: She's only just started, so no hate. (: ♥

My hot chocolate, sorry about the quality, the camera focused on everything except my hot chocolate. >:(
Took pictures of what I got, which I'm glad I did. (: ♥

So first are two tops I got from this small store called BLUE JADE. If you ever go there, make sure you know what you're getting because no refunds. Personal experience, yall.

Black lace jumper. (: 

Black and white chiffon blouse. This one was kinda pricey - $20. 
Really wanted a denim shirt, and found one in Jay Jays. They didn't have my size, they only had L or XL, and I tried on L, way too large, but I really wanted it, so I'll slightly alter it. (:

Look at how massive it is. ;P
And last but not least, got two pairs of badass looking earrings. Was looking for spiked necklaces, but I really wanted these. Plus, they were on 50% sale. (: Both were from Colette accessories.

Sorry again about the quality - used my sister's phone and it didn't focus well. ): 
All in all, I'm still looking for a black beanie since it is getting kinda cold and my head needs some warmth and luurrrrveee. ;) I definitely need to continue and finish my quote post which I'm finding kinda difficult to write since I have no idea how to elaborate on it, but hopefully it'll be up soon. (:

Have a great one!

Michelle x

Saturday 2 June 2012

Update: Noggi Drinks && PARTYING HARD


My exams are finally over! I'll be writing a quote post and a little rant about universities. (: But right now, partying by relaxing and unwinding myself from the stress over the past week. (:

So on Friday, I finished my three exams which were History elective, PD, and Japanese. Those were the ones that I was the most worried about since they were the hardest for me and I hardly ever study for them; bad I know. Anyways, got to Matrix coaching super early - an hour early. Had takoyaki since it was super squishy for my teeth. That was actually the first time I've ever tried takoyaki. ;O

Also had a Noggi smoothie. I think I was a bit high from the end-of-exam celebrations and so I wanted to change my name. ;D

Me: Hi, can I please have a regular Mango Passion please?
Server: Sure, can I please take your name?
M: Dick.
S: Huh? As in.....?
M: Dick. D-I-C-K.
S: Uhmm...are you serious?
M: Yeah.
S: Do you have a card?
M: No.
S: Okay, I'll...just...put 'D' as your name, please go line up.
M: Okay fine.

HAHAHAHA, had a good crack afterwards though. Had to try and keep a straight face.

Partied the rest of the night. ;D

Today ( Saturday ) had Chinese school in the morning and came home early to have maths tutoring. Was planning to go out tonight, but then it started raining, so we couldn't go ahead with our plans. </3

Oh! And this is what I had for lunch - an OBENTO.

So I sat at home and watched 'The Voice'. ;D ♥ TEAM JOEL. ♥ I can't wait till 'Pretty Little Liars' comes out; which I know is soon. <3 13th I think?

Not having tennis training tomorrow because my coach has a competition to go to, so really want to go shopping with my mum tomorrow, but that might not happen...

Planning to apply for a job so I can earn my own money and save up for when I move out or something. (:

Not much to say, thanks for reading!

Michelle Qiu