Saturday 9 June 2012


Thought this quote is quite true. I'm just going to elaborate this according to my personal experiences and how I personally perceive it. (: 

So personally, I hardly regret anything. The few things or the only things I do regret are usually something really really big. I don't regret my past though, only things I didn't do. I love my past in fact, and I think it's what made me, as cheesy as that sounds, and I really believe in that. I'm not ashamed of who I am now, and I guess that's why I don't regret anything in the past, for now. HAHA.

Can't really think of a personal experience that links to this quote right now, but I can think of one that doesn't really relate to me. People regret their past relationships, I can understand why. 

They can regret they even met that person and had a relationship with them because they felt it wasted their time in their life and the end result was really painful. But if you think about it, before you were in that relationship, you wanted it. You wanted it for your own reasons, and that's why you shouldn't regret it. You got what you asked for, and it shapes who you are now. 

I guess regretting the past isn't really going to help, the only way is to get past what happened - it's the past, there's nothing you can do about it, and just learn from it. Learn from it so that it won't happen again. 

Just some thoughts I wanted to share, thanks for reading! 

Michelle x

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