Thursday 28 June 2012

Update: Musicale Night && Sport Photos

Last night, had my school Musicale performance, which was pretty awesome. We performed two pieces: 'Blackforest Overture' and 'Thriller'. Our item was after the interval, so there was a while til our performance. Just hung out at the back of the hall with a fellow band member/classmate and watched the performances before ours. They were amazing! Such proud. ;)

Anyhoo, I left after my performance and got home around 9.30P.M, and just went to bed because had to go to school early for badminton the next day.

So today, had badminton in the morning, which was alright, and Julia wasn't here at school. So in the morning, I had badminton sport photos, where the team takes a group photo together, formalised of course. (: And I completely forgot about that, so was bit of a shock to me. ;P

At history elective period today, had to present our presentation video. Which actually took me 2 long days to complete. And my group hadn't actually seen it yet, so was a bit nervous about them judging it. But it was alright. (:

At lunch, there was a fundraising BBQ Sausage Sizzle event at our school, which I went and got a "hot dog". Didn't take a picture, but it didn't look that nice - but it was for charity. :D Since we're talking about charities, I want to mention I've signed up for the 40 Hour Famine, and probably will give up food. I did this for about 2 years in a row already, pretty proud of myself. But it was pretty painful, my heart goes out to all those children, and adults, who have to suffer from famine.

So afterwards, had sport, where we played street hockey. Ohmygosh, it's the best game ever! We didn't have any body protection ( that came out wrong. ;P ), so we had to be careful of not swinging our hockey sticks, but nearly had my head hacked off. :P We like to play violent. Mostly me. And gained couple of bruises on my leg. I had never sweated so much after those games, it really was fun. (: And had an awesome team as well - yay for teamwork. Won 2 out of 3 games. :D

Not much to say now, pretty much it. Oh! I know I've failed the challenge, I'll try and finish it off when I'm bothered. :P

And I'll also do my monthly favourites. (: This time I'll try to write more on the stuff because it seems so boring. :P And no one seems to be liking them. ;P

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x