Tuesday 12 June 2012

Update: Music Workshop & Math Results

So today, the weather was a freakin' nightmare. It just wouldn't stop pouring, and it was windy. T.T

Basically went to school, and half way during maths, had to leave for a Music Workshop. But before that, we were receiving our math half yearly results back, and I didn't know. So I just looked at my score and told my friend to mark it for me. (: I texted her a while ago and apparently there are no changes. Didn't do that bad this time, actually improved by a lot surprisingly. My parents are telling my to thank my math tutor for this, but I seriously can't be bothered, but I guess I have to. :P

Anyways, the music workshop was basically a combined school band rehearsal and concert thing, and it ran until 6.30P.M. It was really fun to say the least!

So didn't really have lunch, we went into rehearsal together with the other school for some pieces, and together, we sounded amazingly loud. My ears were ringing afterwards, HAHA. Their percussionist was amazingly violent with the drum kit, and it sounded awesome, HAHA. We played two pieces together, THRILLER by Michael Jackson and SMOKE ON THE WATER. (:

After that, we got a small 15 minute break, which I devoured my lunch because I was so tired by then. BUT, we had tutorials and more band rehearsals within our own band. And it was really tiring because we were playing for 2 hours non-stop. My flute was dripping by the end of it, as gross as that sounds, LOL.

So when we came back it was around 4P.M, and we had ordered pizza. It was a pizza between 3, and honestly, I could eat 2 pizzas alone without stopping. I was that tired and hungry. D:

We practised for another hour afterwards, and then performed in front of a small group of parents and teachers. We played the two combined pieces along with our own band piece. When we finished, left and got home. Had another dinner, hehe, and showered.

Just blogging now, and have to go bed really really soon because we have Athletics Carnival tomorrow, and I'm competing.

Thanks for reading this massively long and ranty post. (:

Michelle x