Sunday 24 June 2012

Update: Lord of the Rings ft. Julia && Homemade Lunches

Today, had tennis training in the morning, played a bit longer than usual and then picked up Julia ( ) and got home.

So when we got home, just chilled a bit first, and went on my computer, and showed each other couple of songs and then watched the Janoskians on Youtube, for agesssss. Respect to themm. <3 Oh and they are very very attractive. ;3

Anyhoo, started cooking after that, and we prepared everything. We agreed to make a lotta food because my sister wanted to join in, on our little feast and movie. So agreed to make kebab skewers, fruit salad skewers and sandwiches. They were so friggen good!! ♥ We took a long time making stuff, but in the end, it was definitely worth it!

In preparation, everything set out on the table. 

Fruit skewers done! 

The meat skewers before cooking. 
Meat skewers after cooking. They were so difficult to cook, cos I kept burning them. 

SANDWICHES. Julia made these and they were the nicest sandwiches ever! I should get a sandwich maker. ;D
Since I was the one cooking the skewers, I personally found it difficult. The picture you see up there, is not actually how they turned out. They were black before, HAHAHA. Like really black, and made Julia cut the black stuff off, since the inside was nicely cooked, just the outside wasn't so nice. :P

We managed to watch most of the first 'Lord of the Rings' movie, but didn't finish it. Will watch it with my sister in our own time, and Julia might be coming over again next week for lunch and to watch the second movies. :D I'll keep what we're making a surprise. (:

Anyhoo, haven't updated in a while and I know I've failed the challenge, but I really can't think of 6 childhood memories, so might have to throw that one away. :P Also, there may be a full-day teacher's strike on Wednesday, so thinking maybe I can watch the end of the movie then. Also have a musical school performance that night that I have to go to, will post how that goes. (:

Last week til the holidays starting tomorrow. ;D Can't wait til I can bliss out. (:

Anyhoo, thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll have a nicer flow of posts coming through.

Michelle ♥


  1. heyy was amazing today <3 Can't w8 for next time! Btw, yes - blog heaps more!! :]

    1. Was so fun!! <3 Neither can I. ;D And will definitely try. <3 x
