Wednesday 13 June 2012

Update: Athletics Carnival ft. HARDCORE RAIN

So today's weather was not good. It looked pretty nice in the morning, just sunny with some fog and clouds. And it was chilly, but around afternoon it turned really bad - it was pouring.

The track, thanks to Julia ( ) for the photo. (: 
Anyhoo, went to the venue and found seats. And the first event was 1500m, which Julia sorta forced me into. T.T But still did it anyways. Didn't do so well, and got muscle cramps afterwards. Period.

We also did the 100m, which we just made in time for since we missed the announcement. By then, it had started pouring buckets. So I think we were the second last race before we took a break from the track. It was really hard to run in wet weather but still managed to come second, which isn't bad. (:

So after we did the 100m, we ate some fries together, and thanks again to Julia for taking the photo. (: Sorry if it looks gross, but we asked for a lotta sauce. ;D

So basically the rest of the events weren't exciting at all, just chilled with Julia and another friend of ours, Eileen, for the rest of the day. We finished the carnival an hour early, so managed to pick up my sister from school as well. (: Bought these Korean skewers to give to her and I ate some as well, because I was still hungry. (:

Anyhoo, it's getting kinda late and I have badminton training tomorrow, thanks for reading!

Michelle x