Monday 4 June 2012

"The features you call ugly, others call beauty."

I don't know if anyone has actually said this before, but this is what I came up with. (: Haven't been bothered to find quotes, LOL. 

Anyways, just wanted to point out everyone is beautiful in their own ways, and even though you may not see it, others will. 

For example, I know some people might find their long fingers are horrible and look strange. Okay, strange scenario, but can't think of another one at the moment, lol. Anyways, I reckon long fingers are cute, but just saying, some people reckon it doesn't look cute...

Okay, that didn't come out so nicely, but you know what I mean. (:

Of course this quote wouldn't apply to everything, but I think it helps people to view things more positively, and not worry about little things like that. I reckon, people shouldn't worry too much, and just enjoy what they have. (:

Sorry this was so short, but oh wells.

Thanks for reading and hoped this helped. Have a great one!

Michelle ♥

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