Friday 2 September 2011

Update No. 57 - Tree Day !

Today was 'National Tree Day' where everyone hitches their shovels and gloves and gets on their knees to plant trees for a good cause.

Today was also 'Wear it Purple' Day where it encourages people to protest against no gay marriage.

AND it's also 'Legacy Day' today where people can donate to a charity for families affected by war victims.

So today was indeed a really busy and great day for massive change in society. Wow, this sounds like a documentary. So since it was 'Tree Day', the science teacher thought is was necessary to plant trees and learn about the ecosystem which is the next topic in science that we will be learning. Tree planting was really fun. Jane and I planted like about 50*.

*Number may have been exaggerated. 

So when our class came back, it was end of lunch already and I went to Elective History. Thank goodness, that we didn't have to present our elective history presentation today. (:

I had geography after that and since the speakers were screwing up in the computer room, I didn't have to present it; so I'm presenting next week. :D Kinda happy but I wanted it to be over and done with. ): But that means more time to edit. :D Last night, I stayed up till 11pm just to finish it off ): Now it turned out it was all for nothing. D:

Went to Matrix today. It was hella fun with Julia ( ) since we asked the teacher to do accents and the whole class started asking him to heaps. He was really good at all of them. He now is going to practise for French, South African, and something else I can't remember. His accents are hella GOOD. ! Big thumbs up and I wish I could do those accents. :P

Tomorrow, got Chinese lessons and maths tutoring.

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading,

Michelle xx

1 comment:

  1. I love the word 'hella' and 'homie'. =P Teacher C is amazing, haha! xx
