Tuesday 24 January 2012

Surviving School: Use a Freakin' Diary!

'All successful people own a diary.' - Anonymous

That, I think, is really true. 

If you ever need to have one thing to survive school, it's a diary. Whether it's a personal journal, timetable diary or schedule diary, it's really really useful for keeping things together. Trust me, I love my diary, I'm starting to think I can't live without one. 

A diary would : 

- Remind you the due dates for assignments/projects/essays, etc. 
- Test dates 
- Birthdays, just incase you forgot your mum's birthday 'cause you were too busy ( if that did happen, gosh that's sad ! ) 
- Placing random sheets that don't belong in a particular subject/place. I do this all the time, I just chuck random sheets of paper in my diary just because I'm : 1) Too lazy to paste it in my subject book, or 2) I have no idea where to file this crap. 
- Study timetables 
- and much more uses. 

My diary is my true love. Amen. 

Good luck!
Michelle x 

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