Saturday 14 January 2012

Update: Need.To.Exercise.

Haven't updated in a while...kinda been slacking off.

Anyways, on Friday, I had my last day of work, but might go back since my 'boss' is considering me to go back. Got paid again ; $150. That last day was pretty nice. Heard some really hilarious facts from a co-worker at lunch, talked about monkey brains and other awesome facts.

On Saturday, had to go grocery shopping where I also bought my painting supplies. Stayed up really late painting last night, and here is what I've done so far. Isn't finished and I'm planning to work on it more soon.

No where near the end product...
This morning ( Sunday ), woke up early to go to an early movie session at 10:15AM to the movie: 'War Horse'. It was really really good ! Will do a detailed review on it, and there'll be heaps of spoilers.

Here's the trailer:

Played badminton at 3PM, for an hour, after eating all those donuts, this was really needed. Lol !

Tomorrow, I'm going out with Julia ( ) and Jennifer to the CBD to hang out. I'm also giving Julia a gift tomorrow and I really hope she'll like it !

I've also been watching a lot of 'Pretty Little Liars', I'm up to the second season now. It's getting really tense and creepy.

I'm going to wrap this up now. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. OMG, THE TREE PAINTING IS SO GOOD! YOU ARE SO TALENTED AND DO NOT DENY IT! <3 See you tomorrow and thanks in advance! xx

  2. Lol ! Thanks ;D <3 and yes, I'll see you tomorrow and no problem <3 xx
