Thursday 26 January 2012

Update: Australia Day

Today, went out with Julia ( ) and Jennifer and had an amazing day with them at Chatswood Westfield!

It's Australia Day today, so happy Australia Day to all my readers, and since I didn't have any Australian stuff but want to celebrate it somehow, I bought a pair of shades for $2 in a 2 Dollar store :

Received some compliments from wearing these, but they are hard to see wearing them! <3
Went to Diva and the sale of 6 pieces of jewellery for $10 was still on, and so we split it up and we each bought 2 pieces and I got a bracelet and a Playboy necklace :

Went to Equip and took a picture with Jennifer who you can finally see on blog. Don't mind our glasses, mine looks like Harry Potter, HA!

Oh, there was a store named Mish Mash which happens to be both of my nicknames so I had to take a photo with it.

Oh, and took a photo with Beats by Dr. Dre at JB Hi-Fi, it's so rad !

Had sushi for lunch and I think the lighting was off, because my food looks yellow. I promise you that's not what it was in real life, HAHA!

There was this really cute crepe store, that looks really similar to a store in Hong Kong. This one's called Mother's Crepes, and the guy making them was so pro ! He makes them in a perfect circle!

Taken by Julia <3
The display section, taken by Julia <3 
Close up - taken by Jennifer <3
The guy making the crepe, taken by Jennifer <3
Julia and I both got Chatimes, which I didn't take a picture of, and there was this really hilarious and embarrassing ( well on my behalf ) incident. Basically when Julia was taking pictures of the crepes above, she told me to hold her Chatime and I forgot which was which and I instinctively just drunk one of them, but then realised it was Julia's and freaked out. Apparently I made this hilarious face, haha. Oh gosh.

I received from Julia a beauty exchange box today and souvenirs! Thanks so much for all the stuff, you know me too well! She also wrote this cute postcard, and when my mum saw her handwriting, she asked me where Julia got a typewriter, HAHA! Until I told her it was Julia's writing.

That was my day, hoped everyone had a great day, and happy Australia Day.

Thanks for reading,
- Michelle x


  1. Aw, the last part made my day! Cannot help smiling now, HAHA. You are most welcome. <3 Had a really good day with you too. x

  2. I deeply thank you for your gifts, and it was another amazing day today ! <3 x

  3. Michelle ?! MICHELLEEYYY, wow, you look different.

    1. Ohmygosh! Silvia! Hey!! You don't have FB anymore. D: x

    2. yeah.. long story, but I MISS YOUU~

    3. Aww, okays. And I miss you too !! ~ <3 x
