Sunday 1 January 2012

New Years Resolutions

I usually don't do new years resolutions since I never keep them anyways, but since everyone's thinking about them, I'll write mine up. Hopefully this time, I'll be able to do them (:

These aren't in any order. (:

- Study harder. 
Last year, I actually completely bludged and didn't make time for study, which you should NOT do. Definitely need to make more room for study.

- Limit my use on the internet. 
Last year, I couldn't concentrate on my school work and thus, didn't put my 'all' in my assignments because of the internet. This year, I plan to not completely erase the internet from my life, but actually have a limited time, that I'm allowed on it. And probably incorporate some sort of punishment if I don't. :P

- Read more books. 
Last year, I haven't read many books, ):

- Keep my desk/workplace much much cleaner. 
My desk is a complete pig sty. I've just chucked everything under the bed slightly cleaned some stuff off and I'll need to keep it clean this year.

- Get into the habit of making my bed every morning. 
'Nuff said.

- Be a better friend. 

- Stop laughing at every single awkward statement I make. 

- Try not to be so emotional in life, situations and MOVIES. 

- Not to spend so much money. 

Okay, maybe this is why I always fail my new year resolutions. MY LIST IS SO DARN LONG !

Lol, it'll be awesome if I can at least accomplish half of them for 2012. (:

Best wishes,
Michelle xx


  1. Well they say "Aim High" :) I guess this the epiphany of aiming high XD

  2. Haha ! Lol ! I guess, I guess (: xx
