Wednesday 4 January 2012

Update: First Job !

Today, I started my job, which I applied last year in December since the 'boss' asked me if I wanted to help out in the Jan hols. It's a tutoring place and I used to attend there, and now my sister does, so I thought it was fitting if I worked there.

Anyways, I went early today since I had no idea what I was supposed to do and so that she had some time to explain to me. So she explained that I was supervising the exam, of one class, which just HAPPENED to be my sister's class. There were 4 exams in total ; 40 mins for 3 exams ( Maths, English and General Ability ) and 20 mins for the Writing exam.

It wasn't that bad, since you basically sit there or walk around looking at people's work and checking if they're using their time wisely. And constantly reminding them to check their time. And also checking if anyone's cheating or doing stuff they aren't meant to. So many of them had issues with questions in the test paper, I had to keep running back and forth asking the teacher about them.

After the exams were done ( they had breaks in between each exam ), we had lunch, and lunch was provided for all staff. So we had pizza. By the way, I turned out to be the youngest one working there. Just great.

Pizza was niceee. All the little kids were drooling over it, which was really funny. There was a hilarious convo with them when they wanted some:

Two boys : Hey, can we have some ?
Jess ( another supervisor ) : No.
Boy : I'll pay you.
Jess : No.
Jordan ( ANOTHER supervisor ) : How much ?
Boy : A dollar.
Jess : Pssht. For a mushroom.
Jordan : A dollar for what ?
Boy : A dollar a piece.
Jess : Piece of mushroom ?

Anyways, I was allowed to leave at 2:30PM when supervisors aren't needed for exams, since it was lessons for the students. But since my sister was staying til 5PM, I had about 2 and a half hours of nothing. So I just went to the office and asked if they needed help. Basically, I just helped run around and do their chores for them for the rest of the day. Gosh, it was tiring. My legs hurt. And I had to go get McDonald's and it was really hot outside - 33 degrees Celcius.

Anyways, I'll wrap this up now, too long.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle xx


  1. Not long enough XD Ahaha the conversation was hilarious :)

  2. Lol ! And yes, the conversation WAS hilarious. ;) xx
