Tuesday 17 January 2012

Tag: 90 Questions Tag - Part II

Part I : http://ilikestarryskies.blogspot.com/2012/01/tag-90-questions-tag-part-i.html

32. Name three things you would not tolerate in a relationship? (Dunno 3 yet.)
- Cheating. If you're going to choose me, it's only going to me.
- A guy that follows you everywhere and stalks me. That is ... creepy.
- Physical abuse.

33. Which one of your friends do you think would make a good prostitute?
I wouldn't say who this is...'cause I never know if that person is going to go up to me and *bitchslap* me. Haha !!

34. Did you miss anyone today?
Kind of.

35. Last person to see you cry?
Guess it was my sister in the movies.

36. Who/what made you cry?
The movie 'War Horse' which is so so sad. I'm reading the book now, it's different.

37. Are you a forgiving person?
Yes, I'm forgiving.

38. Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
 Why would I do that..?

39. I’ve come to realize the last person who gave me a hug …
Julia, on the train.

40. Are most of your friends guys or girls?
I think girls.

41. How long does it take you to get ready to go out ?
Depends on how I'm feeling and if I'm bothered to take a long long time.

42. How many people do you know of named Adam ?
One, but I knew him. He was this guy in primary who picked his nose and ate his boogie. I remember that because he did in my face. Ew.

43. Are any of your friends cheerleaders ?
No, this is Australia.
44. What was the last thing you burnt ?
I think eggs.

45. What is your full name?
I don't want to say...since it's rather private, and I don't want people to search me on Facebook, you see..

46. What color is the bra you have on now ?
Ohmygod, I'll rather not say and the people who want to know, inbox me.

47. Do you straighten your hair every day?
No, I don’t have time, and my hair is naturally straight.

48. Do you worry about the size of your boobs?

49. Are you the typical girl who’s addicted to gossip?
I'm not addicted, and gossiping as in, nice gossiping. Is that possible? Like talk about who's the 'new' girl in town, etc.

50. What are your favorite girly magazines?
DOLLY, Madison.

51. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?

52. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?

53. Would you leave the house without makeup on?
Yep. (:

54. What’s the biggest turn on about guys?

55. Are you a girly-girl, tomboy, or in the middle?
In the middle. Hard to explain, but I do both things that those stereotypes do. (:

56. Is pink truly the best color in the entire universe?

57. What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
A Just Jeans jacket for about $AU60.

58. What color do you absolutely despise?
I don’t know.

59. Have you ever stole?
Yeah I have but not from a store.

60. Have you set your hair on fire?
Haha, no. But I was in science class when my classmate sort of burned her hair.

- Michelle x