Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tag: 90 Questions Tag - Part III

Part I :

Part II:

61. Do you wear sweat pants?
Don't own any.

62. Do you know anyone who has lost their virginity?

63. Have you ever ran into a door because you didn’t see it?

64. Doesn’t 50 Cent suck?
No, but Eminem is better.

65. Do you like hugs and kisses(xoxo:))?
I guess.

66. Do you act gangster?
When I got my aviatars on, yeah.

67. Ever made a prank phone call?
Yeah, alot with friends though.

68. Last kiss?

69. What bill do you hate paying most?

70. Where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?

71. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A vet.

72. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a guy?
Watch horror films together and cuddle. Or sit in outside and admire the stars. <3

73. When did you first start feeling older?
This year.

74. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Ain't got one.

75. What famous person(s) would you like to have dinner with?
Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars. And probably some other Youtube celebrities.

76. What famous person would you like to date?
Dunno. Ain't got one, but if Tom Cruise was young, I wouldn't mind.

78. What do you hate about your school?
How fast rumors spread and people add their own stories to it.

79. Last person whose bed you laid in besides your own?
My dad's, this morning. Haha !

80. Have you lost a friend recently?
Yes, not to death though, lol.

81. Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?
Yes. When I was very very young and I can't remember.

82. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Yes, I use them so much, but I'mma try to not use them in blog so much, 'cause it gets annoying.

83. Is it easier to forgive, or to forget?

84. Do you give out second chances too easily?
Not TOO easily, but easily enough that they only have to explain why they did what they did.

85. Is your best friend pretty?
She is purrfect. <3

86. Is it awkward when you run into your exes?
I haven’t had an ex; never been in a relationship.

87. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Of course, haha !

88. Can you make yourself cry?
If I try really hard and if I'm in the mood to.

89. Is your life simple or complicated?
Quite complicated, actually.

90. Are you easily confused?
Sort of.

92. Are you taller than 5′4″?
No, only 5’3”.

93. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
No, but I liked someone who didn't know I existed. Lol !

94. Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?
I have never dyed my hair. Except for ballet when they put temporary hairspray dye.

95. Does everything really happen for a reason?
Yes, only way to move forward is to believe that phrase.

I tag you.

- Michelle x


  1. You answered SOOOO many questions T_T You are so bothered XD Thanks for the read :) Btw, awesome new background :L

  2. Haha ! You read answers to SOOOO many questions ! ;D No, thank you for your time, and thanks (: x
