Wednesday 28 March 2012

Update: Caesar Salad & Sausage Rolls

Haven't updated in a while, so took a picture of my lunch today so I can share something interesting. The school makes these amazing caesar salads, but they are a bit pricey. I was really hungry so bought a sausage roll for good measure. For the record, it's not as good as some of the other's I've tried at cafe's. :P

Tomorrow at school, is the Language Festival. It's held every 2 years and basically there are stalls that are made by students and they sell things to raise money for the Language Faculty. It's really fun! Mostly the food is the best. ♥ But there are games and other stalls as well.

I'm in the Japanese stall and this year, we're in charge of selling and making Japanese food. We're making Onigiri and Okonomiyaki. Hopefully I'll take successful photos of the language festival. ;D

Anyhoo, the other day, I found these mega cute drawings of Naruto and Sakura for the language festival.

I just realised her chopsticks are floating; BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

I like the Naruto drawing slightly more, but aren't they awesomely cute?! I really want to know who drew these so I can bribe ask them to draw me some too. ;D

Really excited for tomorrow, I'm so sorry for the lack of posts lately. Haven't had any inspiration lately. Any suggestions please leave it in my c-box on the left hand side of the page. (: For your information, you don't have to fill in the section for : 'email / URL'. :D

Thanks for reading!

Michelle ♥


  1. HOMG such cool drawings XD

    1. I KNOW RIGHT! Wish I could draw them! ♥ x

  2. You can. You have talent at drawing remember? ;P
