Thursday 15 March 2012

Update: Neutralisation

Yesterday, did a science experiment which was neutralisation. For those who don't know what that is, it has something to do with the pH of a solution and to neutralise it, you add acid to a base, until the correct amount is added and the pH is approximately around 7. This is actually really hard, and no one got a green solution ( since we added universal indicator beforehand ). Basically we had a mL of base and we slowly added drops of acid to the base and hopefully watch it turn green. The key was to swirl, and my friend took care of that, while I had to control the drops of acid.

We did it three times and on the third one, the solution kept turning too acidic. BUT I said, 'Screw accuracy.', and basically contaminated the Pasteur Pipette by just dropping base into the solution. After a really long time, we FINALLY made it green, and when the teacher asked how many drops, I said I lost count, HAHA.

Ain't it beautiful? :D
Today, had badminton training in the morning, and it was really fun, but not as fun as usual, since the hall was occupied for the primary kids who were going to do the Selective Test.

Also had a history in-class essay assessment, in which, the question was easy and vague, but there just wasn't much time ( 30 mins ) to try and write about 2-3 pages worth of details. My handwriting was terrible, I just wrote what the word shape roughly looked like and I pray that the teachers can read it.

Have Matrix tomorrow, and really need to do that homework, lol! Might bake brownies in the weekend, don't know, but will take a picture of it, and shall eat it like a pig. ;D

School camp is next week for 3 days, so might not blog for a while, but will take some photos, and hopefully it'll be more fun than I expect it to be, since it is, after all, a study camp.

Anyhoo, shall update soon, again. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. Oh god neutralisation...and pH...x.x Hahaha nice green solution ;P You know, if you really wanted to bludge it, just use tap water and add UI into there =D Perfectly neutral solution ;P

  2. Haha, presuming the water isn't strongly contaminated. ;P x

  3. wait so, do you add the same amount of ui as the base? or just like around 5 drops? then you add the acid? got a prac test tomorrow, and never tried this before :S

    1. Nope. You add about one drop of UI. (: And yes, add the acid to the base because you don't want the base to eat away the glass of the dropper which will cause contamination since the parts of glass will mix with the base.

      Hope that helped! :D

      Good luck then!!

      Michelle <3
