Saturday 17 March 2012

Update: Lucky Dip Magazine?

Yesterday, had Chinese school in the morning which was cool. I went to go grab some stuff afterwards.

Went to Sportsgirl, which happened to be having a 15 % off discount everything in store, and bought an emery board since my other one broke. ):

DOLLY magazine is having a time where you don't know what's with the mag inside. They come in a silver plastic bag, and you can't see what's in it, and basically they're calling it a 'lucky dip'. Heh. I bought one, and this is what I mean by silver:

What you can get. (:

What I got with the mag; a poster book, and an eyeliner. 
Won't be reading the mag, and instead will bring it to camp, so I can read it before I go to bed. How fun. ;P

Anyhoo, also got bobby pins since I ran out.

Pricey, but the best ones you can get! <3
Bought some Eclipse breathmints as well, since I know I'll be eating heaps at camp. ;D

Might make brownies today, shall have a separate post on that soon. Also might post about what I'm bringing to camp, and for the record, I haven't packed yet, lol.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x

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