Thursday 8 March 2012

Update: Science Prac and Satire Day

This Tuesday, had a science prac exam, which I literally failed. As in, I really don't think I'm going to make above 50%. During the whole exam, I was completely stressing because I had no idea how to use the solubility rules to find an unknown metal and acid, let alone understand what precipitation did. And I've lost many marks for whatever answer I had written at the time, and only now do I understand what the solubility rules do and how to apply them. Fail. Seriously.

Anyhoo, today, had Satire Day, which is where everyone performs their piece they have been working on the past weeks or so. Our group was meant to go 10th, but somehow the 8th and 9th group didn't go, so we went up in a hurry, and wasn't really prepared. And I had a really long mental blankout. But I think I did pretty well, and our idea was pretty good. The character I played was Siri from the iPhone 4 S, and basically out play was satirizing the effects of technology on the education system. (: This year is the last year for any more drama performances which I'm happy about, since I dread this day every year.

Tomorrow, have Red Cross Calling and I'm really excited for that since I love volunteering work. Shall be holding donation buckets and asking for donations. Fun! And no, that's not sarcasm, lol. Also have Matrix coaching, and to mention that, I haven't finished my homework! Oops.

This Saturday, shall be having Chinese school and maths tutoring, which is always...great. But this Sunday, will be going out with Julia ( ) to eat at the Coffee Club, and excited for that as well.

To another topic now, I want to mention KONY 2012. I think this definitely worth mentioning.

Joseph Kony is a Ugandan guerrilla group leader, head of the Lord's Resistance Army, which has earned a reputation for its actions against the people of several countries, primarily Uganda. Since 1986 he has abducted more that 60 000 children from their family homes. He forces girls to be sex slaves and young boys to kill their parents and join his army killing thousands of their friends and families. Kony is the 1st on the International Criminal Court wanted list since 2005 but has evaded capture ever since.
Many believe that he has evaded capture due to the lack of awareness of the situation so a group in America, Invisible Children Inc. has created a video called Kony 2012 to create that awareness. They are aiming for 500 000 views on their Youtube video but so far only has 150 000. The video is 30 mins but if you have time for facebook and twitter then I hope you can find the time to watch the video even if it's over a period of time.

Watch this, and don't forget to spread the word! <3

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. DON'T BE SO PESSIMISTIC! >< I'm sure you passed D:
    Hahaha Kony 2012 ^^"

  2. I'm being serious, if you knew what I answered, you'll know too I'm screwed. D:
    And yes, apparently it's a scam. ):

    Michelle <3 x
