Friday 16 March 2012

Update: Easter's Coming

Today, had band rehearsal this morning which was fun. The first period, I had science where our booklets were due, and then we had to do an unexpected topic test on Chemistry. It was okay, on the first page at least since it was multiple choice, but when it got to the second page, there was the task of balancing equations and for some reason, my equations were never quite balanced. Got really pissed, lol.

At lunch, my friend bribed me to buy her chocolate eggs which were highly overpriced at 40 cents for one, and for the size of them, there were really overpriced. Nevertheless, with my friendship, I bought two, one for my other friend and one for me. :D

Anyhoo, watched a documentary on Genocide and the Nazi Germany, which was really interesting. I love history, it gives an insight on the human race. (:

Had Matrix coaching this afternoon as well, which was tiring for me, since I was already really tired. Planning to make brownies soon, since it's my mum's birthday today. Happy Birthday Mum! Love you. <3

Anyhoo, might make a post on what I'm packing for camp next week. Which I'm not that thrilled about, but still hope to enjoy. :D Have a Chinese test tomorrow, must study. Watched this week's Pretty Little Liar's episode, the dolls seriously creeped me out. I mean seriously, what's up with that? :P

Hope I discover who A is soon!

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. Happy Birthday Mrs Qiu! :3're still watching PLL XD And the eggs are really cute :3
