Saturday 10 March 2012

Update: Red Cross Calling! [EYECANDY INCLUDED]

On Friday, the Yr 10 grade had Red Cross Calling duty which was really fun! Took quite a lot of photos. Julia ( ) and I decided to be a pair, and collect money together. :D Our destination was at Martin Place :

Photography creds to Julia ( ) 
While waiting to be debriefed, I took this photo with Julia's pro camera. ;D

Guess who we saw? Some guy that hosts some Australian morning show. Don't even know his name, but took a shot of him and got caught, lol...

I saw this really beautiful display of bird cages hung up in a small alleyway while walking around and kinda forced Julia to take a photo of it. (:

Went to Sportsgirl after duty and they had a new photo booth which was free, and we took some photos together, 'cept only allowed once, so we could only take 3. The other 3 were hung up in their wall, and perhaps we might make it into their magazine. :D

Oh and tried these cute warm hats on!

Anyhoo, today went shopping for camp essentials. Haven't bought all my crap yet, still have stuff to get. Got all of them from K-Mart; a really cute small body wash, toothbrush holder and a really really cute and small toothpaste!

And got a book from Dymocks, which was $10.99. 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins - wanted to read this for the longest time !

Bought two shirts from Chicabooti which is such a cute and affordable store. One in this tribal print and another in a bright turquoise colour. Both were on sale at $9.99.

Since I went with my mum, she got two cardigans and a shirt that I chose for her, and she tried them on and liked them, so I paid for them since it's her birthday soon, and I wanted to get them as her present. (;

Tomorrow, will be going out with Julia to the Coffee Club. Will take photos with her camera, which I think I'm getting really attached to. :P Anyhoo, shall update soon. Sorry for all these photos, must've lagged your computer so much.

Shall update soon. (;

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x


  1. So many photos XD Looked so fun =D Hunger games! You gna watch the movie too? :P

  2. Sorry, and was definitely fun! And HELL YEAH! <3 x

  3. Can I watch with you guys in the holidays? ^^

  4. I'm watching by myself I think, so sure. (: x

  5. YAY! ^_^ Thanks :3 You're the best ^_^
