Saturday 3 March 2012

Update: Socks and Assignments

Yesterday, went to Chinese school and sold off some chocolates, and also went around the mall asking people,  and out of all of them, only one person said yes. Fail...

Anyhoo, bought white socks from Target which was 5 pairs for $10, and they are so fluffy. Shall wear them to school.

Realised I didn't take a picture of them after taking the packaging off. :P
Last night, went out for dinner at this really nice restaurant, but forgot to take pictures since I was too hungry, lol.

Anyhoo, the next morning ( Sunday - today ) woke up and had a sore throat. I think I'm sick, must've been from the crazy weather. It's been cold and then hot and really humid, and since the coaching centre and other places have really cold air-conditioning, my body has to keep adjusting. So now, I'm sick.

On a happier note, went to tennis training today which was really fun, but I expected it to be really cold, but it actually was extremely hot - 27 degrees Celcius. At least I still enjoyed tennis. I've cancelled next week's lesson and going with Julia ( ) to The Coffee Club, and she'll introduce me to all sorts of goodies there. Really looking forward to that.

Came home, and drank a mixture of honey lemon water ( always works when you're sick ), orange juice and green tea. Now that I think of it, haven't drank much water, lol! My History Elective assignment on the Armenian issue is due tomorrow, and I worked on it for the rest of my day. Finally finished it, and got the chance to blog. Look how messy my desk got :

So glad I've finished it, this week have a lot of crap due. I have to present my 'Satire Day' which is essentially where you write a script and you present it in front of the entire grade. Always dread this day. My character is Siri, and I really need to make my costume soon, since this is due on Thursday. Haven't even looked at my lines yet!

There's also a science prac on Tuesday, and I can't even understand chemistry which means : I'm screwed. Tried to revise my notes, but I have no idea what the hell valency is. Lol... This Friday, have to volunteer for Red Cross Calling which I'm also excited about. Looking forward to Friday.

That's all, shall update soon, have a good one.

Thanks for reading,
Michelle x

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