When was the last time you watched the
sun set?
At New Zealand. It was beautiful. I love watching the sun set. (: ♥ However I prefer to watch the sunrise. ;3
Do you like anyone?
Now, not really.
Is it more than one person?
Can't even say it's a person, HAHA. ;P
Do you brush your teeth everyday?
Of course.
Who is your inspiration? Why?
Hm, don't really have an inspiration, sadly.
Would you ever have an open
No, don't really see the point in it, since it might as well just be friends with benefits.
By societies standards, are you
I can't say, since the standards always change.
Would you let your kid smoke weed?
No, because it's not good for your health.
Are you a hypochondriac?
Not really, since I love food too much. ♥
Are you mentally stable?
I wouldn't say so, no. ;P
Do you wear glasses?
No, used to. ;D
Are you single?
If you are, is it because you are afraid
of commitment?
No, not really.
If someone liked you, how would you want
them to tell you?
In person.
If you are single, are you looking for a
partner? If you aren’t, do you watch Jersey shore?
No, not at the moment. And no, don't watch it, but I'm highly intrigued.
When was the last time you yelled at
Can't remember, but probably at my sister, since that's how we asians communicate. LOL.
Are you okay?
Now, yes. (:
If you are a girl, are you telling the
truth? If you are a guy, have you ever played with barbies?
Are all guys liars and cheaters?
No, but I know they are out there.
What is your favorite movie?
Forrest Gump. ♥
Do you have something to say?
No, not now. (:
Do you ramble?
Yes, a lot. So much that when the person receiving is silent, I get worried I said something wrong. Or they aren't interested. Or they are simply annoyed at me. ):
Do you want to change the world?
Are you watching tv?
No, don't watch very much.
Do you think marijuana is safer than
Honestly, both of them can't be great for you. But I think so, since you won't do so many stupid things as you would if you were drunk. But health wise, I think alcohol is better. (:
Are you a good artist?
I guess to an extent.
Do you know how to study properly?
No, but I just try to cram in all the information in my brains.
Do you listen to music daily?
Wouldn't say so, no.
Are you listening to music now?
Thanks for reading,
Michelle x